Friday, February 25, 2011

Creative answer

Today, over lunch, my new colleague were bullshitting as usual.

C1: The new guy damn lazy la
C2: Why la? What happen?
C1: I was explaining and telling him something. He wasn't paying much attention and keep on looking at the watch. And it turns out to be lunch time. So, he just go off like that. Today Friday ma. Prayers time.
C2: Oh yalo. Everyday also pray so many time. *Sigh*
C1: Pray ma pray la. What for put speaker and let everyone hear?!!
C3: I know why. Because they scared their GOD can't hear!
Me: WTF!!

I almost puke my water out. I really thought that he would come out with the real reason or whatsoever. I haven't heard this before, and hence find it very "creative". lol.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm lost

I am so lost. I can't seem to find my direction or have any idea where am I suppose to head to.

Its my 4th day for my new job and I started to loath it. What's got into me? I really have no idea.
What am I suppose to do? Neither I have the slightest idea.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My first day of work in new company

I celebrate today by having gastric pain and diarrhea at the same time. I can't even differentiate and decide if I should just stay there or rush to the toilet whenever the pain strike. FML

Happy Valentine to all