Friday, July 31, 2009

Makan-makan @ La Joyuex Bistro

Secret of the day…

I couldn’t remember the last time that I have eaten spaghetti, one of my favorites. Like those pregnant lady that had craving of food behavior, I’m so into spaghetti that day. So, right after work, went to Siang house and get ready to hunt any nice spaghetti around USJ area. I think I really fated not to be able to eat spaghetti that day as we have search high and low and couldn’t find a restaurant that can fulfilled my craving.

After tired of wandering around, we spotted this restaurant and decided to give it a try. I think I’m so lucky that day… (btw, did I mention I’m unlucky just now)…. Anyway, the La Joyuex Bistro is actually formerly known as Meaty House, the place that I been wanted to go so much after reading others people blog about that. OMG. As fast as lightning, we picked our seat and start to flip through the menu. My eyes “over-scanned” the spaghetti column. I saw something else that caught my attention. PORK. Well, I can’t say if I’m really a fan of pork but then other than chicken, that’s the only meat that I eat. And ordering spaghetti in a German cuisine restaurant is absolutely not a correct decision. Anyway, after judging so long between what to order, I finally picked Bacon Ham Steak while Siang choose German Pork Knuckle.

Bacon Ham Steak

Pork Knuckle

Siang enjoying the pork knuckle

It doesn’t take long for the food to arrive and all I can say is that the food is superb good. The Bacon Ham is good but I like the pork knuckle more. It’s so crunchy and juicy, and fattening as well. FML. The cost for the whole meal plus drink is about RM64, which is quite reasonable. Definitely, it is a must come back place for me.

Interior design of the restaurant

Address: 37, Jln USJ 10/1D, Taipan Triangle, Subang.

Phone: 03-56335634.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Power tripped in office.

Whole building on electricity. I feel so good. At least can laze around without being scolded.Haha. How nice it would be if this happen at 5.30pm today

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Friday...

Secret of the day...

It's friday again..

Of all the working days, Friday is one of the best day for me.


1. I can go back sharp at 6pm

2. I can opt not to do OT, which I'm glad that I've made it NEVER to do OT so far.

3. I have a superb long lunch break (80min). Well, it's long enough as to compare to my normal lunch break hour which is just 40min. FML.

4. I don't have to go to bed early. It's FRIDAY la....

5. I have Saturday and Sunday as my rest a.k.a FUN time.

6. Ok.. I have no idea what other reason as I think I've completed the list.

It's friday... ah ha ah ha... I like it... ah ha ah ha....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Malacca trip

Secret of the day...

Last Saturday meant to be a memorable date for both Siang and I. We have successfully completed the 365 days of being a couple i.e. our 1st year dating anniversary. Gosh... look at how times flies.


Alarm ON. Turn it off and resume sleeping mode.


Door bell ring. Ignore it. Door bell continue to ring. Really annoys me. I asked Siang to answer the door but he seems to be very busy doing his "business" in the toilet. He insist that I should do it myself, and of course I didn't. Then, I heard a faint knock on the door, continue with loud door bell ringing. Siang shouting inside the toilet, demand me to open the door immediately. Fuming, and just clad in my torn Mickey Mouse pajamas, I dragged my feet to the door. To my surprise, I saw someone holding a bouquet of flower. He gave me an appreciative smile when I finally answer the door. It's for me...


I put the flower on the chair and continue to sleep.


I force myself to awake finally and found Siang lying on the sofa. His expression says, I'm so dissapointed with you." That very moment, I realised that I have neglected his feeling and ruin his surprises. Slowly, I walk towards him and gave him a big hug. In return, I got a faint smile. Oh no... he must be superb upset. After trying so hard to cheer him up, he finally stop ignoring me. Well, frankly speaking, I do really appreciate and grateful for all the things that he done to me. I even got scolded for I insist that the colour of the roses is pink. It really doesn't look purple to me. What do you think???


Finally, we started our journey to Malacca after having our late breakfast.


With my stomach so full, and the cool air cond wind that blowing on my face, the only perfect thing to do is sleeping. Unfortunately for me, instead of having my nice sleep, I got to cope with my stomach pain. Thanks to the natural detox tea that I drank last night. I suppose I forgot the fact how body detoxification works.


Check-in at the Emperor Hotel. We have to google around as I don't recall I ever seen this hotel before when I was in Malacca. Haha. And luckily that I still recall some of the route to town. Moral of the story: Go get a GPS!!!!


After laze around for about an hour, we drove to Jonker Street. We had our late lunch there. Nyonya asam laksa, Baba Curry Mee and best of all, Chendol. It's so good that by looking at the picture is enough to trigger my saliva dropping. Hmm... I miss the chendol now....

The best chendol ever...

Baba Curry Mee

Nyonya Asam Laksa


Time for shopping!!! We bought a couple tee. I have no idea why I decided to buy it as it's neither cheap nor really that cute. I guess my shopping mood starts tickling me once I know there is sales going on. Yeap.. SALES. Luckily, Siang managed to distract me for further buying unnessasary stuff that eventually will be labelled as junk.


Leave Jonker Street and headed to the Eyes of Malaysia. We only took a few picture without giving it a ride. It's so bloody expensive. RM20 per person. I rather have nice food with that amount of money. After coming back to KL, I found out that the price is RM10 per adult if you have My Kad. Well, at least they should have mention there.


Bid farewell to the Eyes of Malaysia and headed to have our dinner. I brought Siang to Sampan Bistro. Well, I have been there once and I love the environment, just perfect for a romantic dinner for two, with sea view. Damn!!! I was so so wrong. The sea is gone. IT'S GONE. It becomes a deserted land, and ahead is the newly built highway that connects to Pantai Klebang. Damn!!! My ideal romantic dinner turns to such a disaster!!!!



Alarm ringing. Set to snooze mode. I love the snooze fuction. One of the greatest invention.


Okay. Finally awake to have our complimentary breakfast. If it's not because we already paid for it, I won't awake that early.


Check out from hotel and went to the famous Perigi Hang Li Poh. And it cost us RM2 just to park our car nearby to have a look at the locked well, which took us less than 10min. Wtf.


We headed to Jonker Street again. It's chicken rice ball time!! Look at the queue. Bloody damn long.. So, we decided to walk around and have late lunch. Climbing up the hill to see the ruin fort really makes me so exhausted and tired. Gosh. Wondering how the hell I can climb up Mount KK a few months back. That suppose to be a miracle I guess.


We joined the queue and finally I have what I been anticipating so long. It was so nice that I asked the boss to tapau rice ball only. He refuse to sell it to us, unless we bought the chicken as well. But I wanted to eat the rice only... :(

Question for the day...
What are these???

Those who can answer correctly..... Congratulation!!! You are so smart.... and I wont give it to u... LOL

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hazy day

View thru window of my office. Barely see any view outside. Smell smoke inside toilet.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Painful day..

Secret of the day…

My headache is killing me. Ever since my rashes gone, I’ve been having headache. It’s a mild attack in the morning, and turns worst by the end of the day. And I’ve vomit out my dinner yesterday. I hate being sick. Makes me so weak. :(