Tuesday, September 28, 2010

To my skinny boney DD

Today is DD 27th birthday.

So, I'm gonna post one of his one-of-a-kind look.

Wahahahaha. My DD so cute la.

Happy Birthday DD!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Creative way to resign

Some of the creative and stupid way to answer the annoying boss while tendering resignation letter.

The Annoying Manager = M
The Piss off Employess = E

Throw the book, “Eat, Pray and Love” at the Manager table. Attach the resignation letter in the book.

M: What is this?
E: Can’t you see it’s a book? And attached to the book is my resignation letter.

M: Can I know why you resign? Besides, why attach this book then? (M flipping the book without looking at the letter)
E: Oh… I was inspired by the writer. I decided to follow her steps. I’m going to pursue something that only I can understand. I’m pretty sure you will know what I mean after you reading it. (Try to walk away but then turn around to face M again and look at M at his eyes). Btw, that book is a present for you. My farewell gift to you.
M: .....

E: M, this is my resignation letter.
M: What!!? You are leaving? Got better offer?
E: Errm. Not really. The truth is I have not even started to find job yet. But I don’t think I can work here any longer. As you can see, no matter how hard I try to please you, I can't seems to reach your expectation. And it would be a burden to you and I can't be so selfish and hang on there to block all the better opportunity that could passed by each day. I believe a lot of people actually looking forward to work with you.
M: .....

E: I’m leaving this company.
M: Why?
E: I’ve won lottery
M: Wow!! Must be a big fortune then.
E: Not much actually. I still can spare some to make myself to be your boss and make you as miserable as possible.
M: ......

E: Please accept my resignation letter. I'm so depress if I were to stay here longer
M: Depress?
E: Well, it's all because of you. You always pressure me alot. You and your 5min reminder that annoyed everyone so much. I dunno how the hell the rest can do it but I have enough. It makes me felt so useless and depressed. Once I'm depress I will eat alot. And this causes me to put on lots of weight. I'm suing you for causing me fat. And most of all, I don't plan to be your successor for the title fattest in the team.
M: ....... (wtf look and checking on his belly)

Okay then. The end of the stupid idea for NOW. I can't think of anything else.

Monday, September 13, 2010

her majesty grandma

Why i called my grandma her majesty?
Simply because she act like one... Once she summon anyone of us, we must attend her needs immediately. When I mention IMMEDIATELY means quick enough or else the whole kampung will heard her screaming your name LOUD.

Loud enough to wake me up from my sweet dream into nightmare. lol. Well, not that serious. That only happens on the first day of my holiday at home. She managed to force my sister and I wake up to help her to poo poo. My barely opened eyes finally widen to max upon smelling her fresh poo poo. And Meiyun successfully finished half roll of the toilet paper to wipe her ass till almost clean. We couldn't stand the strong aroma anymore. FOL. And worst of all, her poo poo damn hard and stick strongly at the asshole, hard to wipe off.

The same night, she need to poo again. So, this time around, my mom becomes the poo poo wiper. Since she have been doing this thing for quite some time, she uses some soap stick that looks like tampon to remove the hard poo poo at her majesty ass. After almost using half dozen of tampon alike soap, my mom use something else to remove the remaining poo poo. Neither my sis nor I would thought that her ultimate weapon would be that. And I bet none of you can know what was that??!!


Apparently, my grandma's poo poo too hard til can break the wooden chopstick!!! *o*!!!

Poor grandma, poor mom, poor Meiyun and poor me T___T

I'm really a very bad granddaughter and daughter...... I know I know.....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I'm proud to announce that I had travel to all the states in Malaysia. Hooray!!

We (Shoni, DD and I) drove to Kuala Terengganu where we met up with Ping. It was really very very long and tiring journey. Really got to admit that we are not young enough to go for long hour drive. lol. We headed straight to Lake Kenyir Resort.

While waiting for the buggy to pick us up.

Fireboy on the buggy
Oh. I like this photo of mine.

Lake Kenyir view. The largest man made lake in SEA. wow.

While waiting for Shoni to check-in, we wander off to take picture of the beautiful lake. That's DD with fireboy.

Our room. Ok, it's Shoni and Ping room actually. Our room have twin single bed. Quite spacious.

Use fireboy to covered up my fatness. Love this photo too. Makes me look so thin. lol.

Having our ramadan buffet dinner. Food so-so only but then the desert super damn delicious, especially those cakes. OMG.

Our room.

Ping dragging the lazy Shoni up the hill to have our breakfast. A good morning exercise :)
Lake Kenyir
Breakfast time.
Nasi lemak. The rendang chicken is omfg delicious. We wanted to request more but were told need extra charges. So, we end up not having any additional rendang chicken. *Kedekut ma.

Rekaxing at the lazy chair.

Group pic.
Us at the entrance of the resort.

DD at the entrance of Kuala Terengganu Kampung Cina.

Went to Taman Monumen and Masjid Kristal. And this is what we SEE. CLOSED during Fasting Month. wtf. Such a waste!!!

Went to Masjid Kristal instead since it's open.

Inside Masjid Kristal.
With Shoni, the sohai who wore spec inside the building.
Berposing outside the mosque.
Some artistic view of the mosque.
Apparently, it's not built by crystal but the design resemble crystal, hence the name.

Spiderman 2

Spiderman 1

Acting sohai
Went to Musuem Terengganu. Since the car have missing symbol, I "help" to beautify it. lol.
One leg bengkak teruk due to insect bite. T__T

One Malaysia spirit. At Kota Bahru.

DD at one of the temple at Sg Golok

Golok street
Cute pink bike at Golok.