Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I NEED a break (AGAIN)

Secret of the day…

Yesterday, I left the office at 8pm. Yes!! Its 8pm… dammit.. I’m actually staying back on Monday thanks to the grumpy boss. The boss is ALWAYS RIGHT!! They have the every damn rights to ASK us to "HELP" them. really wtf.

When I reached home, it’s not such a bad day after all cause dinner is waiting for me.. Well, not really waiting in the sense that Shoni haven’t even started to cook, and she is busy goreng the Terengganu keropok that she bought back from her Redang trip. THE BEST KEROPOK kononya. For me, all keropok taste the same. Taste like KEROPOK!!

After dinner, as usual, gossip time!! Since both of us so stress out bout work, and just back from vacation, we concluded that WE NEED MORE HOLIDAYS!!!!

And you know what!!

Seems like we are just LUCKY or UNLUCKY??!!

LUCKY: AirAsia have this zero flight to Singapore. ON THE DAY WE PLANNED!

UNLUCKY : I’m actually quite running out of vitamin M and have lots of debts.
Somehow, there’s a inner voice within me a.k.a the DEVIL says.. WHO CARES BOUT THE DEBTS!! You will eventually get over it soon. If not what’s the purpose of applying credit card!!!

And so, you should know what I end up doing…


Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday blues....

Secret of the day....


Monday means have to wakeup or basically FORCE myself to awake at 6.40am. Dammit, I miss my pillow n blanket...

Monday means have to beat the crazy traffic from home to office.

Monday means have to refresh what-so-ever stuff that you left undone on LAST FRIDAY and continue that not so ATTRACTIVE task.

Monday means have to FORCE myself to finish all the task so that I don't have to do OVERTIME in the non air-cond and stuffy environement which makes me FEEL so SICK and DREADFUL to stay.
Today just another SHITTY day for me... DARN..

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Adventure @ Broga Hill

Secret of the day...

5a.m: Awake from sleep and wake everyone up..


Destination : Broga Hill a.k.a Bukit Lalang
Location: Semenyih

Awake very early in the morning (very early for lazy people like me..), with hope that we manage to catch the sunrise.

Unfortunately, when we reach, the sun already rise.. haha...
Everyone posing at the starting point (Elaine, Siang, Shoni, Meiyun)

Since Elaine has been here before, she eventually self-select herself as our navigator. And it turn out to be our navigator can't read map.. LOL... and end up..

Siang: I donno where are we wo?? I think salah jalan la!!

Deciding not to go further down the unknown road, we make a few U-turn n finally got the correct STARTING POINT...

Along the journey, we can hear Shoni whining about how she can't make it..

Does she looks like she didn't enjoy and tired?? LOL

Finally we almost reach one of the peak of the hill.. Since it was so green and beautiful, we decided to have some FUN. Presenting Siang and YenNee for their HINDUSTAN drama scene.

Siang: Dear Dear....

YenNee: Oh... My Dear Dear....

(Both running to each other)

And everyone start to got so excited and start making stupid pose...

Crazy YenNee and Crazy Shoni thought that they are AEROPLANE!! SUPERMAN!! (ops!! SUPERWOMEN)..

Look!! It's a bird.
No, it's a plane.
No, it's superman

Enjoying the breeze of wind...

Our happiness and craziness does not stay LONG...

Oh god! We got detained by the authorities, Siang.

Siang: Apa u buat kat sane!! Cuba lari ah!!
Cepat pi beratur!!!

Siang: Cepat!!! Beratur elok elok. Kalau tak, gua tembak!!!

And so, we left the hill top being escorted by the bad authority!!!!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Can I Tell You A Secret??


Ya.. It's u. I have a secret to tell ya.

(Now beside your ears)... It's a secret

Well well..Enough of the stupid joke. But I love to play this stupid joke. Hmm hmm... ^_^

Time to get serious a little bit. Since this would be my first post, will intro a bit about my self...

I came from a small & quite town called Raub (famous for gold minning).
Currently working in the big city and I'm writting these in my office. I know what you're thinking.. I know.. but.. it's lunch time dude!! gimme a break

I love travelling. But my advisor (bank account) always discourage me not to go!!

I love reading. Fashion Magazine, Chic Lit Books.

I love shopping. Well, aparentlly, who doesn't??? But my advisor just couldn't sit still there!! And he always win in any arguement :(
But then, I discover another good(*evil) advisor that encourage me to shop!!

I love to watch TV. Yes, the idiot box. And in fact, my job is to SEE TV. I still prefer to watch TV rather than SEE TV.

I love outdoor activity too. Yes, and I'm going to climb Broga Hill tommorrow.

Psst... that's the end of my secret for today!! And you must keep the secret for me!! Okay???