Monday, March 29, 2010

Magic show...

Last Saturday, in support for the Earth Hour Day, Siang and I decided to stay out of my home. So, we decided to have some "celebration" and went up to Look Up Point to enjoy the breathtaking kl view. We reach around 7pm and all the restaurant almost full house. Lucky for us, we spot a nice table and as quick as lightning (kiasu mind), we locked our butt at the place. It is still not the best place to see kl view as it's not near the nearest to the rear. But somehow, we indeed very lucky that a group of the tourist left and that is the best table we can spotted.

We ordered our food and eat really really really very slowly, in order to keep the place longer. lol. But then I really hate those people that keep on staring at us, waiting for us to leave. wft. If wanted to have a nice place, book early, if not, don't stare at people when they are eating. Anyway, we waited patiently until 8.30pm and soon, magic show starts...

lol. It's lame I know. KLCC are one of the building that also participate in the Earth Hour day.

Picture very blurred and small cos my lousy camera can't zoom that far. T__T. Night view picture also very lousy... isshh issshhh isssh... okok. probably the user lousy la... tsk tsk tsk..

P/S: Luckily my new fish still alive. My bro so giat wanna support the Earth Hour Day and decided to off the whole power supply at our home. Nasib baik...

Friday, March 26, 2010


I don't know what title to put.. So, simply put one that have total contrast.. lol.

Have you encounter any incident where you hate it so much but then you can't because you just can't? Well, I'm actually in that dilemma now. fml.

It's not about my relationship with.......


Not long ago, my boss asked if I am interested to do some E-learning courses to enhance my "knowledge" in the electronics field. It's F.O.C of course. All because of some very freaking free jap ppl that have nothing better to do but to compile a material and sort of ASK us, but actually FORCE us to USE it. And, because I am the lowest ranking officer here, the not so new (already 3 yrs and 6 days) and yet not "OLD" enough, I NEED to learn.

Actually, I am ok with learning but then when he told me we need to take test to complete the course, I actually kind of reluctant. I HATE exams. Who love it btw?? Anyway, back to the story. As I have already agreed on learning this new stuff and my boss already submit my name to the higher authority, I can only accept the fact that there is no turning back at all. There's no point insist and arguing to those kns.

So, the learning period start last fri, but I was buzy like hell at work with no time to look at it. And my boss strongly stress out that we can't do it during working hour, or during overtime. fml. then when the hell we can do?? he simply answer, you judge on your own. FOL.

Finally, this monday, we curi2x open the file during working hour and fml max, i need to fo pre-test before enroll in the actual course. I have basically remember nothing. zero. blank. nothing at all about my electronics stuff. And there is 35 questions to answer. fml. lucky enough, i have a few of us who had been force to do this "INTELLIGENT" thing. We separate the question among ourself and then poof.... within 2 days, we finish the PRE-TEST. And the question that I need to answer, I don't know a single thing. Thank god that I still have friends around to "share" it.

It's damn boring to re-learn something I hate so much and yet I must LOVE it. Because it's part of ME.

See... got so many chapter and another final eTEST2. fml. I still stuck at Chapter 1. I must start learning and not blog about it but then I couldn't help it. lol. haih.... Di Persimpangan Dilemma.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

i-city, shah alam

will use picture to describe the new place in town... well, not really new though.. haha...

#1 lots of tree.. tall, short

#2 X'mas tree

#3 Star of the Xmas tree

#4 Clearer picture of the star... <3 it so much..

#5 Lots of lots of colourful trees..

#7 Peacock

#8 Cherry tree look-alike

#9 Swan

#10 More swan

#11 Mango tree... pine tree....

#12 Group photo (taken by Tommy)

#13 Group photo. taken by passerby. he cut away the peacock.. arrghhh

#14 Reindeer

Hot Air Balloon


5 of us went to Putrajaya for the hot air balloon festival. the whole thing is not something that i expect it to be.
anyway, since we have travel so far and stuck in the traffic jamed for so long, it would be such a waste if we didn't take any photo.
cute smiling face balloon

blue one


jean balloon

group photo at the famous putrajaya bridge

our funny jump

our busy director. lol. his expression priceless.

sun set view

ok. finally, the nearest picture of hot air balloon we can take.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

use cookies to make cookies

since we are damn free and have nothing to do, shoni and i attempt to make oreo truffles a.k.a is to modify the outlook of the cookies. haha.

the outcome of our experiment is.....
colorful truffles. use different coating to differentiate the flavor. colorful one's are oreo original while the other one are peanut butter flavor, with additional peanut butter. lol.

and the last two biji, we attempt to make it look like ferrero choc. only two. and i purposely keep it for both of us. unfortunately, that notti siang took mine and eat it accidentally. fml. he said all looks the same and he simply take one. of all 100 over balls there, he took my special made one. isshh isshhh....

Monday, March 1, 2010

what hv i done during cny


back in action to update what have i done during the roar roar year...

nin30 - back to raub with sister and youngest bro. driving at wee hour. reach raub at 6am and continue to sleep till lunch time. after lunch, resume sleeping. i have no idea why am i so tired. or actually i'm just lazy to help around. have reunion dinner that mom prepared. ok. i don't like cny dishes at all. no vege and all meat. only chicken, chicken and chicken. other than my grandma, i'm the first to lye flat on my bed.

chor1 - awake earlier than expected. it's so bored at home. and freaking hot. aircond doesn't seems to have any effect at all. so, the best solution is.. go to waterfall and dunk myself inside the cool water. but i can't. T__T. but i still went to the waterfall with chong, yaumee n tui. and i am wearing high heels on the time. fml. how would i know i really AM going.

by looking at it makes me feel cool. have to tipu diri sendiri sometimes.

shoni arrive and i decided to "harass" her rather than rot at home. so, drag her to go yum cha at night. and by midnight, i'm so hungry and i ate half plate of nasi lemak. it was so good. but soon after, regretted having it the next morning. not because it makes me fat. ok. it's partially because it makes me fat but the worst part is, it hurts so much when i passed out. kns.

chor2 - went to yitpong's hse bai nin. collect angpow. jean also there and pretty sick. she have to just look at us eating the cookies. haha. pity pity. i ain't hungry but i just can't resist when i saw cookies on the table. my itchy hand will somehow take up the container and consume whatever inside.

at night, as usual, went to dinner at ah fatt restaurant.

family photo. not all of us there as my grandma already beh tahan dy. time to go to bed. lol.
i also start to feel dizzy. thanks to my greedy dad. he brought alot of wine and whisky. we finished all the wine and carry half bottle of whisky back. haha.

chor3 - sleep the whole day. awake to finish off my story book. eat. sleep again. watch tv. and sleep. what a lazy day.

chor4 - drive back to kl alone. reach home and discover my fish and plant are dying. poor me. kind fifi or actually her "pou tung pang yau" send me to kl sentral to take bus to lcct. oh ya. forgot to mention. i'm going to alor setar. reach alor setar and they brought me to celebrate siang's mom birthday.

ok. i dare not as how old cos it's sensitive issue ma. after all, she is still woman. :p
we were quite frustrated while waiting for the dinner to be served. if not mistaken, we waiting for almost an hour before we can see our first dish. we end up eating the cake first instead.

chor5 - awake early in the morning. i'm going to perlis with siang's family. first destination, the grape's farm. the grapes are so pitifully small that we barely see it. well, seems like it's not the season yet.

take some artistic picture of the grape. looks nice ma. hmm.. not bad not bad.
us at the grape farm

our next destination, went to the famous tasik. i have no idea why we were brought there but since i'm not the organizer, i better not to comment so much. well, at least should prepare a picnic basket for all. it would be perfect. i was told it WAS the initial plan but something comes out. the thing is... everyone LAZY. end of story.

me, at the entrance of the lake. i wonder why isn't the water is running. it suppose to be right??

us, with the beautiful titi.
siang with his favourite jumping shoot. i love it cos he always have lots of funny expression captured.

ok. after doing nothing at the tasik, we head off to have lunch nearby the cave. and i saw this so old school kind of mini market there. they still sell those colourful stick ice-cream. and look at this. machine to paruh kelapa. haha. i barely see that in raub anymore. ok.. in sempalit la. cos i seldom go out of sempalit you see.

the paruh kelapa machine. i edit the colour to enhance it looks old.

me, inside the gua kelim.

us, at the end of the cave, before the river.
funny faces again. lol.

my leg actually inside the river. of course my wet my leg since we come all the way so far from kedah.

Siang mom pandai ber-posing with the tree. lol.

errm... pole dancing??

next destination, ostrich farm. it's not a farm actually. i don't know what was that place for. there's alot of others animal in different enclosure along the highway. we only went to the ostrich one cause the door is opened. haha.

Siang feeding the animal. haha. his first encounter with it. hoho. he scared the bird will bite him. but i think the bird lagi scared than him. haha.

oh... the bird. cute right?? it looks damn emo. haha.

the healthy bird that keep on circling it's enclosure.

me: why u so rajin keep on walking.
bird: alah, wa sudah mkn byk oo. kena exercise sikit la
me: oh... rajinnya. sihat betul ya.
bird: mestilah. if not mcm mana boleh nampak so fit. takan mau mcm kau. gemuk betol.

paddy field. the only one that the paddy not yet harvest that i can see along the way.

that's the end of the journey at perlis. on the way back, suddenly heard a loud bang. i tot maybe hit on something. and that sound turned out to be, the honk cover of the car siang's driving tercabut. i couldn't stop laughing cos it's damn funny. but i can't laugh too hard. 2 pairs of eye behind, eyeing me and wondering why i am laughing. all i can conclude is.. generation gap. wahahhaa.

honk cover tercabut

chor6 - rest day before board our plane back to kl. so, drive around town to buy medicine for my fish. so, since siang didn't drive back, he drove his father car. that car really so old and yet is maintained nicely. and it has one irritating feature. when reversing, there is music that will continue to ring till you put on first gear. the music damn irritating lo but then i find it funny at the same time. well, i haven't seen anythg like that.

the antique car's air cond system.

we reach kl around 8 something. have dinner with tanny n tkyap. we bought some mercun to play at my hse. haha. i think we almost awake everyone in my neighbourhood. then we played mahjong til the next day morning. and i'm the choi san ye.. give money to others... cis!!

chor7 - sleep til 5pm. awake by the door bell ringing. my parents pay us a visit. we have our dinner at serdang. the whole journey, my dad keep on repeating saying the same thing. "I stayed at serdang for half a year, 30 years ago." not sure that he really don't remember that he had told us. or he just having fun repeating after his words.

chor8 - mom cooked her famous dish. mushroom chicken. chicken again. pity me. then we have movie marathon together before they left around evening. went to shoni house to pick her up before heading to visit michele. michele's house having bai tin gong ceremony. we go there kepoh2x.

chor9 - first day working day after long holiday. no mood at all. and yet been force to work overtime.

chor10 - all work and no play makes yn a dull girl.

chor11 - finally, can back earlier from work. but end up need to attend jap class. i didn't do any revision at all during the break. and i don't understand a single thing sense taught throughout the class. feel so frustrated.

chor12 - the last day of work of the week. shall celebrate this great day by treating my self a movie at the cinema. watch 72tenants of prosperity.

chor13 - gathering with raubian friend's. the once and a year occasion. well, some of them i really only see once a year. haha. well, everyone seems to be busy with their own things. just like, when we grow up, we grow apart. saddening.

chor 14 - went to groceries shopping. alot of people everywhere. i also bought new books to read. hohohohoho. too bad that the book i wanted to buy wasn't there. and so, i start my drama marathon. singapore movie. the little nyonya. would recommend to watch as it's really really nice. because of this show, i already shed litre of tears.

chor15 - drama marathon continue. i've finally finished my drama today.

well, that is how i spend my 15 days of cny 2010. hopefully i can have a good year ahead.