Monday, March 29, 2010

Magic show...

Last Saturday, in support for the Earth Hour Day, Siang and I decided to stay out of my home. So, we decided to have some "celebration" and went up to Look Up Point to enjoy the breathtaking kl view. We reach around 7pm and all the restaurant almost full house. Lucky for us, we spot a nice table and as quick as lightning (kiasu mind), we locked our butt at the place. It is still not the best place to see kl view as it's not near the nearest to the rear. But somehow, we indeed very lucky that a group of the tourist left and that is the best table we can spotted.

We ordered our food and eat really really really very slowly, in order to keep the place longer. lol. But then I really hate those people that keep on staring at us, waiting for us to leave. wft. If wanted to have a nice place, book early, if not, don't stare at people when they are eating. Anyway, we waited patiently until 8.30pm and soon, magic show starts...

lol. It's lame I know. KLCC are one of the building that also participate in the Earth Hour day.

Picture very blurred and small cos my lousy camera can't zoom that far. T__T. Night view picture also very lousy... isshh issshhh isssh... okok. probably the user lousy la... tsk tsk tsk..

P/S: Luckily my new fish still alive. My bro so giat wanna support the Earth Hour Day and decided to off the whole power supply at our home. Nasib baik...


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