Monday, September 27, 2010

Creative way to resign

Some of the creative and stupid way to answer the annoying boss while tendering resignation letter.

The Annoying Manager = M
The Piss off Employess = E

Throw the book, “Eat, Pray and Love” at the Manager table. Attach the resignation letter in the book.

M: What is this?
E: Can’t you see it’s a book? And attached to the book is my resignation letter.

M: Can I know why you resign? Besides, why attach this book then? (M flipping the book without looking at the letter)
E: Oh… I was inspired by the writer. I decided to follow her steps. I’m going to pursue something that only I can understand. I’m pretty sure you will know what I mean after you reading it. (Try to walk away but then turn around to face M again and look at M at his eyes). Btw, that book is a present for you. My farewell gift to you.
M: .....

E: M, this is my resignation letter.
M: What!!? You are leaving? Got better offer?
E: Errm. Not really. The truth is I have not even started to find job yet. But I don’t think I can work here any longer. As you can see, no matter how hard I try to please you, I can't seems to reach your expectation. And it would be a burden to you and I can't be so selfish and hang on there to block all the better opportunity that could passed by each day. I believe a lot of people actually looking forward to work with you.
M: .....

E: I’m leaving this company.
M: Why?
E: I’ve won lottery
M: Wow!! Must be a big fortune then.
E: Not much actually. I still can spare some to make myself to be your boss and make you as miserable as possible.
M: ......

E: Please accept my resignation letter. I'm so depress if I were to stay here longer
M: Depress?
E: Well, it's all because of you. You always pressure me alot. You and your 5min reminder that annoyed everyone so much. I dunno how the hell the rest can do it but I have enough. It makes me felt so useless and depressed. Once I'm depress I will eat alot. And this causes me to put on lots of weight. I'm suing you for causing me fat. And most of all, I don't plan to be your successor for the title fattest in the team.
M: ....... (wtf look and checking on his belly)

Okay then. The end of the stupid idea for NOW. I can't think of anything else.


shonitay said...

hmmm... which one to use leh?????
can i say 'you just don't suit me?'

y3nnee said...

'you just don't suit me' sound like you want him as a potential husband.. haha..
later he salah paham tu susahla...

sampleletters said...
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