Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Saturday

... and I am working. Bloody hell. I don't have enough leave to deduct.

That fat ass bargar didn't gimme salary for cny as well. really damn sui. Those idiotic admin people, I shall curse them that they will grow fat for whatever they eat even drink lemon juice. Fat until no clothes in the world that can fit her, and she have to wear the big damn ass curtain. And no money luck for the rest of their lives. lol.

Logically, if I tender my resignation letter on 5th Jan, contract is one month notice, ain't my last day SUPPOSED to be 4th Feb. That fat ass bargar say its 2nd Feb. Cause 3rd n 4th is CNY. WTF!!!
It's not my fault that it falls on CNY dei. Why I can't claim the 2 days salary?? Stupid kiam siap company.

Btw, do I entitle my pay on CNY with this condition?? Isshh... damn geram la...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The best decision ever

I start my new year by making the best move ever.

I've finally tender my resignation letter, after so long. I am the most happiest person on earth right now. lol. No words in the world can describe how happy I can be.

I am the 3rd person who tender the resignation letter within these 2 weeks. So, all those bosses in panic mode now and trying all their best to counter offer me. Nothing will make me stay back I tell you. How I wish I could just talk freely about how desperate I am to leave.

M: Ok, do you know that PROBABLY that you will be promoted this year. Why leaving?
YN: Oh, I have better job offer. (In my heart, promoted my foot la. After so long working also never mention that I might be promoted. When everyone say wanna leave that time only say so)

Well, apparently, Yap told me that M OFFER him the same thing. Really damn stupid and pathetic.

M: How much salary they offer you? More than 30%?
YN: Errm... (What for you wanna know? Not like you will gimme that.) Just 20% la.
M: Ok, now IF la, MAYBE we offer you the same salary as that company, would you consider staying.
YN: (Without second thought and right after like about one second M finished his sentences) NO!! I think I'm not staying (not in million years dude).

M expression is priceless upon hearing my answer. He have no further question or offer after that. He was pretty shock I guess as he doesn't expect me to reject the offer. lol. IF, MAYBE. I should have just tell him straight to the face that MAYBE next term I will be the PRESIDENT.
The most funny part is that the day when I tender my letter, M called my Supervisor.
M: Did you know that she is leaving from the beginning?
S: Yes. She informed me earlier.
M: Why you didn't stop her and persuade her to stay instead?
S: (WTF. I also wish to go but don't have the opportunity.) I have no further comment.
M: DID you know that boss (the kns boss) actually thinks she is CAPABLE and like her working attitude?
S: (Quite tulan cos M ask too many ridiculous stuff) Oh really. I didn't know, until you said so.
M: .......
S: (I'm not in the mood to listen to you).Well, actually if you have nothing else to say, I need to put down the phone. Bye.
Funny right? Well, I am so "PROUD" that my kns boss actually thinks I'm GOOD when I mention I am leaving. Thanks for letting me know that SOMEONE appreciate my WORK after all.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I'm so excited. There is one more day to go for my ultimate "R" day...