Thursday, January 6, 2011

The best decision ever

I start my new year by making the best move ever.

I've finally tender my resignation letter, after so long. I am the most happiest person on earth right now. lol. No words in the world can describe how happy I can be.

I am the 3rd person who tender the resignation letter within these 2 weeks. So, all those bosses in panic mode now and trying all their best to counter offer me. Nothing will make me stay back I tell you. How I wish I could just talk freely about how desperate I am to leave.

M: Ok, do you know that PROBABLY that you will be promoted this year. Why leaving?
YN: Oh, I have better job offer. (In my heart, promoted my foot la. After so long working also never mention that I might be promoted. When everyone say wanna leave that time only say so)

Well, apparently, Yap told me that M OFFER him the same thing. Really damn stupid and pathetic.

M: How much salary they offer you? More than 30%?
YN: Errm... (What for you wanna know? Not like you will gimme that.) Just 20% la.
M: Ok, now IF la, MAYBE we offer you the same salary as that company, would you consider staying.
YN: (Without second thought and right after like about one second M finished his sentences) NO!! I think I'm not staying (not in million years dude).

M expression is priceless upon hearing my answer. He have no further question or offer after that. He was pretty shock I guess as he doesn't expect me to reject the offer. lol. IF, MAYBE. I should have just tell him straight to the face that MAYBE next term I will be the PRESIDENT.
The most funny part is that the day when I tender my letter, M called my Supervisor.
M: Did you know that she is leaving from the beginning?
S: Yes. She informed me earlier.
M: Why you didn't stop her and persuade her to stay instead?
S: (WTF. I also wish to go but don't have the opportunity.) I have no further comment.
M: DID you know that boss (the kns boss) actually thinks she is CAPABLE and like her working attitude?
S: (Quite tulan cos M ask too many ridiculous stuff) Oh really. I didn't know, until you said so.
M: .......
S: (I'm not in the mood to listen to you).Well, actually if you have nothing else to say, I need to put down the phone. Bye.
Funny right? Well, I am so "PROUD" that my kns boss actually thinks I'm GOOD when I mention I am leaving. Thanks for letting me know that SOMEONE appreciate my WORK after all.


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