Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tradition of sending new year card

Thanks michele for the gesture to send everyone of us new year card every year without fail.. <3

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

to be or not to be

i'm not sure what happen to me recently. i hope it's just because of the pms or maybe the life crisis that i think i am facing. i'm not sure... this feeling have been bugging me for quite some time and i hate it so much whenever i think bout it. it's not like i wanted to think bout it but it just appear out of nowhere and since then reside in me.

since a few month back, i loath to go to work. i hate to look at working desk and desk cos it's always so dirty and full with rubbish document. not that i don't want to do filing but each time after i've filled it, someone from somewhere will come and ask me bout the report, and all the bullshit thing. hello. u think i'm a computer or have superb memory power izzt?? i can't even remember what i eat yesterday and they expect me to tell them the content of the report which has been done few months back. fts.

i'm not sure which stupid idiot that arrange the schedule, and cramp all the things together and every single damn thing also urgent. wtf. if really that urgent, then do a proper planning for that. don't just pointing fingers at each other and torture the lower level people to follow the nonsense schedule. those "highly intelligent" superior, please use your rusty brain to plan properly. oh, really, i'm so sorry to hear that you misplace your brain at your arse. what a pity!!!

i just hate the culture there. i always though that i slowly can accept it but then fuck all this shit la. if you wanna be promoted, wait for your turn. cause all based on seniority. even that fellow join the company one day earlier than you but his performance shit like hell, he MUST be promoted first before you. and guess what, i have lots of "senior" in front of me. i don't have to comment more on this. i have been working so hard for the past few years. and all the credit goes to my superior. cos without them, i might not success. yes, i really appreciate all the effort they put to guide me to where i am now but why no one even try to acknowledge my presence? well, i'm just the lowest class employee.. i see... when something goes wrong, all the fingers pointing at me. "why you didn't notice that from the beginning?" hello mr boss, you suppose to guide me since im doing all those test for the first time. aren't you suppose to know better?

and the worst part is.. i have the most demanding, irritating, arrogant, man chauvinism and rude non-malaysian boss on earth. and he likes to fuck china girl. well known to all. he can have lots of ridiculous new rules. can you imagine that?? he threaten to cut our break time because we use the break time to chat while filling our stomach? wtf. this new stupid rules doesn't affect me much cos i don't take break. yes. i am very terrible person that don't have close friend in the office. i don't care either. the things that annoy me so much is, i can't chat with other people from department if he around. cos he will chase them away. he assume we talk nothing regarding business. fhl. just because he don't have friends he have to stop others to have one. fml. so, don't blame me if i don't appear to be friendly.

ok.. i think i have enough of rumbling about stupid people at the company.
what i wanted to say is.. i think can't stand this shit anymore. i have the urge to throw my resignation letter to that fucking face. i wanted to have a long break before deciding what am i going to do next. i dont want to enter the same field and doing the same old shit from the beginning. i have been thinking alot lately but i still can't find where my dream is. i hate this feeling of being nowhere to turn to or being push around like a puppet. sometimes, i feel like i know what i want, but then the other second, i doubted my decision. haih. what am i suppose to do??

i realised that i've change to someone that i don't know. i'm not the old person i used to be. i'm not as brave as i'm used to be. i don't even dare to point out the things that i'm not satisfy or say things that bottle in my heart. i only merely agree with what others say or do. i don't give a damn thing about what think or do already. why am i becoming someone who is anti-social?? why??

someone out there, please give me some hint??

(Playing the song of Reflection by Coco Lee - from Disney Mulan)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

cookies.. :)

i can bake delicious cookies. hohohoho...

not really sure why i'm so in the mood to bake cookies. so, went to tesco to buy the ingredient yesterday. and of all the things, i forgot to buy flour. fml. so, drop by giant to get the flour but don't seems to find the self-raising flour that i used to use before. so, end up simply buy those on the rack. well, i can't choose. only one type available.

anyway, i have to go to shoni's house to borrow her weighing machine cos i left mine at raub. really a bit damn sui lo.

the talented me successfully made nestum cookies and peanut chocolate chip cookies.
here's the picture as the proof i MADE it and it's omfg DELICIOUS. lol.

nestum cookies dough

almost there
nestum cookies.. yummy

peanut chocolate chip cookies small dough, before entering the oven

the end result

the happy cookies tester. see, he says good ler...

don't believe it?? try it yourself... delivery not included. lol.

new design for my room's cupboard


new year is around the corner, so must have some new design for the bedroom.

actually i don't plan to decorate my room but then last tuesday, meiyun and i went to pasar malam to buy cookies to bring back hometown. and i end up buying more unnecessary stuff than the cookies. that why.... i should never go to pasar mlm cos it's a devil place.

so, here is my new design for the cupboard. lol. initially, i wanted to put it on my wall. but then, after much consideration, i think i better "TRY" it on my cupboard.

somehow, i think there is something wrong with this design but then among all of those available. i think this is the best piece. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Letter to Mr M

Dear Mr M,

I don’t actually wanted to bring up this but I can’t help it. Its really annoy me so much that I feel like I should at least write it up to release my anger. I am damn pissed off now. Very very pissed off.

Hello there!!! I ain't stupid. For god sake! I know how to write email. And of course I am pretty sure that the suppliers understand what I am saying. Why the hell do you like to poke your nose in and complain that they don’t understand? Do you mean they can’t understand or is it you that actually don’t understand my English? Yes. All the while I am writing in English. Can’t you read?? Oh well. I doubt it. They never even complain that they don’t understand what I mean. Well, the reason I write so long is because I wanna get my message clear. Oh no… I am not trying to show off that my proficiency in English is better than you.

“Ms Wong, next time when you write email, please make it short and precise. The supplier might not get what you mean. You see.. like this one… blah blah blah”
“Ok. Mr M”

The other time....

“Ms Wong, next time when you write email, don’t write till so simple la. Later too simple they don’t understand what you want. It’s not nice to re-write again and this might confuse them ”

“But Mr M, last time you mention don’t write too long they don’t understand. Now I’ve shorten to put it in point form. I personally think they would understand”

Left side eyebrow raise, “Are you sure?”

Pretend to look innocent, but in fact damn irritated, I answer politely. “Yes, I suppose.”

“Anyway, next time you should write like this and that and this and that”

FTS. Why don’t you go and write it yourself? Don’t assign me to deal with them ok, since you so not satisfy with my performance of writing a damn bloody easy email…

That is only TWO of the irritated situation that I need to face. Each and every time, you will come out with unreasonable excuses that said I didn’t write properly. FTS. I don’t communicate with people the way you communicate with others doesn’t mean I am stupid. Just because you are more senior than I do doesn’t mean you are always right. Why the hell you must make others felt miserable over their life working with you. Is this your way to make yourself happy, by pushing people around like your toy?

Do you actually know that I am not the only one who thinks you have attitude problem? I guess the answer is NO. I bet you don’t ever care a single shit what others think bout you. How can you be hard to please? I just don’t know what you put inside your brain. Just let me remind you on one of the most ridiculous question you once asked your staff.

Staff: Mr M. I need to go to see doc. Can you please help to sign this time out sheet?

M: What’s wrong with you?

Staff: I had a bit of flu and coughing. Need to go take some medicine.

M: Really? But I didn’t see you coughing.

If I am that particular staff, I would have just cough loudly in front of you and make my mucus spread all over you table. Hello uncle!! People already damn sick and you can say this kind of thing. How about we change the role? Wouldn’t you feel hurt? Even I’m not the staff I felt offended. We all are entitle to take MC, okay!!! And it’s not like if that particular person absence for a day, the world might collapse. Why la… you wanna torture people like that?? For fun?? You get a life!!!

Your sincerely, Your annoyed staff

Well... of course the letter will not just stop there. A picture speak a thousand words. Enjoy then.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010



Monday, February 1, 2010

Pearl of Orient

well. since i have nothing special happening around recently, i shall blog about my hong kong trip that i went last september. yeap. it's pretty long time ago.

Siang and I at lcct terminal, with our mask. kiasi ma.

we took bus A31 from airport to our hostel, Ah Shan Hostel in Mongkok. since we didnt read the direction to hostel properly, we ended up strolling the street with our big luggage for quite some time.

we were so hungry that after we check-in and leave our luggage, we walk a few blocks away and found a shop that sell hkd10 wantan mee. without thinking twice, (kiamsiap ma), we order two bowl and gulp our meal within 10min. the wantan really superb big and yummy.

after buying the octopus card (same as our touch n go card), we headed on to our first destination, Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree and Tin Hau Temple at Tai Po, New Territories.

And turn out to be, it's nothing like what i've imagine or seen in TVB drama. that why. dont watch so much drama. T_T.

At the entrance of Tian Hau Temple. Since already here, must take picture..

then we headed to Sha Tin to see the Snoopy World at New Town Plaza. so kawaii ler.. the snoopy status.

Siang as the bus driver. Honk honk...

wow... perfect match. mirror image. lol.

Siang and his ballet partner

took MTR till Choi Hung and change to bus which brought us to Sai Kung town termibus. Walked around the town promenade and you can see lots of "yau teang" with bikini clad women.

and of course, last but not least, the seafood feast at Sai Kung Pier. Yummy yummy.

Rise and shine... awake early in the morning, if not mistaken, should be either 8.30am or 9.30am for the best dim sum ever!! When i say its best means it's omfg good till we reach there before they even open their bussiness. lol. and we are not the first to seen queuing there. there is some hongkie in front of us. I'm enjoying my chee cheong fun.

Siang with his "fan guo"

We order alot of dishes till our stomach bloated.

We then walked around Mongkok area while waiting for Jc and Meiyun to arrive. Since both of them are hungry, we had our roasted goose for our lunch. I am too full that i only have a bite.

Off we headed to Hong Kong Island. Try on world's longest covered escalator and had yummy egg tart.

Jc and Meiyun on the mid-level escalator.

Meiyun and I at the Bauhania Square

Siang and I

Meiyun at one of the steep staircase at Central. I recognize this staircase in those HK TVB Drama.


Us. view taken from Mid Level Escalator

Siang and Jackie Chan.

Jc and Meiyun on the train up to the Peak.


Peak at night

After the Peak, we had our expensive dinner of juicy roasted goose at Yung Kee.
We then stroll around Lan Kwai Fong area before went back to hostel.

Siang at Temple Street.

Oh ya.. its Jc birthday on the same day as well. so, we bought him a little cake. and we dont have lighter. FOL.

Its Macau time...

Had our breakfast at Wantan House. The HKD10 per bowl that wantan mee again. lol. not that its that NiCE but it's pretty cheap.

Took ferry to Macau. Please ask if you can entitle any discount. each of us have 30hkd discount cos we use visa card. haha.

took taxi at the terminal to St Paul Ruin and had our portugis meal at Restaurante Vela Latina.
While waiting for our food

Pork rib. must order. delicious.

Creme squid. ok. i actually forgot the name.

Yummy food.

St Paul Ruin

Street in Macau

Us again.

the fattening double skimmed milk. tau foo fa texture.

Casino Lisboa. oldest casino in Macau.

Siang and another casino. forgot the name as well.

Jc and Meiyun at Wynn.

Musical fountain in front of Wynn.

Jc and Meiyun with Rodenda inside Wynn. There will be a golden wishing tree emerge from the globe at selected hour.

Siang at Venetian. Too much exposure make Siang look like ghost. lol.

Me at Venetian

Venitian again. lol. very beautiful so put more picture

Start our day 4 will healthy breakfast at Australian Diary.

Off we go to Big Buddha at Lantau Island.
Failed high 5 with Big Buddha.

The boring pose with the big buddha. the white uncle pose more cun.

went to shopping at citygateoutlets mall at tung chung. we end up didnt buy anything cos its pretty expensive even its outlet price. haha. i guess im damn kedekut. eewww....

End up eating Haagen Daaz icecream.

Back to Kowloon side to catch the Symphony of Light.

Avenue of Star.

And we end up shopping at "Sport Shoe" Street.

Ocean Park day...

Start our day with dim sum at Lin Heung Lau, another famous place for dim sum. for me, the dimsum not really good as expected. plus, we need to wait very long for each "dish".
Us at Lin Heung Lau.

Bao bao liao then walk around Stanley. Murray House

the failed titanic pose. lol.

At Stanley Market.

Funny Big Big Big Size T-shirt

Our ticket.

tada... at the entrance dy..

the cute panda. hmm... make me remind of someone.. lol...

must catch the dolphin show.

i wanted to try this. but then all of us felt so dizzy after some stupid aeroplane/jumbo alike ride. so, we ended up sitting there while looking at people screaming.
and yes.. its almost Halloween. they have halloween party after 6pm. so, they guard started to chase us all out to allow the night ticket holder to come in.

took picture with the king and queen. they dont look that scary. some of them really damn scary lo.
supper at hui lau san. i love mango.

we spend the last day in HK by shopping at TST. Shop like no body business as we stil have lots of cash. lol. too bz shopping so didnt have time to take pic. lol.

so, we have come to the end of my HK and Macau Trip...

I shall be back. I wanna go Disney land. yeah yeah....