Monday, April 5, 2010

The day I learn about the root of my family..

Last weekend, I went back to Raub for the Ching Ming festival, i.e the Ancestor Day or the tomb-sweeping day. When I was younger, I used to follow my family members to my ancestor graves. As I grow older, the frequencies lessen each year, until this year. This is the first time, after so long that I actually went to visit my ancestor tomb.

I found out that the current house that we are staying, it wasn’t bought by my grandpa. It belongs to my great-grand-aunt. It seems like she doesn’t have any children of her own. So, she decided to give it to my grandpa. None of us know why she gave it to my grandpa rather than her own siblings but then it was a long time ago story. So, basically, I have a shelter to stay also because of this kind-hearted great-grand-aunt.

The funny part is that, since my parents doesn’t really know the actual procedure for the praying ceremony, we just simply arrange and do until the nosy ah moi gugu come and correct us. And my father, being the person-in-charged snapped back and says, “Procedure not important, as long we have the heart to come”. All of us agreed at once. Well, how could we offend the PIC. Haha.

Anyway, because it was my first time I didn’t know I have so many relatives tomb to clean, I didn’t apply any sun block. fml. And I got sunburn. It hurts so much. T____T
Overall, it was a good day as I learn something about my family.
I missed my grandpa. Even he's not with us anymore, he's still inside my heart dearly. I remember when I was younger, he always accompany me to take my bus to school. He would never hold my hand but I know he is watching me from behind, side or even front. He always prepare hot water in the basin early in the morning for us to wash our face and brush our teeth. He knows I don't like touching cold water early in the morning. On the table, there will always have hot milo, waiting for me to drink it. I don't have alarm clock and I don't need one at that time. He will always remind my grandma to wake us up sharp at 6.30am each morning without fail. These kind of gesture, even it doesn't have any significant to others, it means alot to me. That is my only grandpa. The clean, organized, neat grandpa.


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