Friday, April 16, 2010

To the East... to the East... Mulu

Harlo there...

I'm back from the East... Mulu & Miri. And it's in Sarawak, not Sabah in case some of us don't know. lol. really de. one of them is my colleague. oppss... i can't revel the name.

Anyway, back to my story. It's the first time I step my feet on Sarawak. Yes. Not something I should proud of, but then it's because the flight ain't cheap last time. Ok. Most of the time. If it's not because it's free, I won't really going. I am damn kedekut fellow. lol.

So, the day of our departure, my bro, Meng send us to LCCT. Ahah, he is not that kind okay. He only agree to do so coz we are bribe him with Starbuck coffee and lunch from Oldtown Kopitiam. And I think his mood on that day must be quite good as well. lol.

Since Shoni holding our boarding pass, we can’t drop off our luggage until she arrived. And we met this kns aunty (AA staff) that don’t allow us to check in our bag because she is closing her counter. Wtf. And she demands us to queue at the drop off luggage counter, which at that time, the queue is very super duper damn long.

We reached Miri Airport safely and took taxi to our hotel. Since there are 5 of us, we are forced to take 2 taxis. After check in into our spacious apartment room and dropped our luggage, we had our dinner at Ming’s cafe, recommend by James, the Miri-an.

The lazy fellow...

And we bought alot of snack. We walked around our hotel's neighbourhood to buy bread to eat with tuna. So, we were in one of the supermarket and couldn't find any. So, Shoni went to ask the cashier, "Sini ada Gardenia?" Cashier give us a blank expression. "Gardenia roti? Hi-Five?" insist our dear Shoni. Another blank look is what we get. Finally, we conclude that there is no Gardenia or High5 at Miri. We didn't seems to find any. lol.

My breakfast.. instant noodle. very yummy and I didn't find any in KL.

The hiao po pretending to read.. not reading actually

Our next destination, Mulu. We took Maswing and the flight is only half an hour. Thank god that it’s only half and hour cause I almost vomit my breakfast out. The whole journey pretty shaking and unstable due to the bad weather condition.

View from the mini plane. Just happen to sit beside the noisy engine.

The cute Mas Wing

Reached the Mulu airport finally and while waiting for our luggage to be loaded at the baggage claim counter, we took a lot of photos until the security guard stops us. lol.

Siang.. between the two "bukit"

Shoni and I

The cute mini car

We were transfer to our resort by mini lorry. Shoni and I rush to sit at what we thought the best place but end up it’s the other way round.

Why la.. the sun so bright and hot...

After rest for about an hour or more, we start our journey to explore the wild. We did the canopy walk. To me, it’s nothing so special about it as I don’t seems to know or notice the differences in each stop. Well, all also green leaves with almost similar pattern. The only thing I realize is that the forest pretty dense as I don’t seems to kena the bright sunlight.

Me at the canopy walk

Same species? or not?

Can you spot the insect?

We continue to explore the Lang and Deer Cave.

The girls at the entrance of the Lang Cave

And then our second cave is the Deer Cave. A smaller cave but stink so much. Full of bat shits.

Shoni and I posing in front of the entrance.

Profile of Abraham Lincoln. View from inside Deer Cave

After visiting the caves, we all wait at the Bat Observatory to view the evening exodus of bats from the Deer Cave.

Bats roaming out from cave cari makan.

The next day
Us on the boatride to Penan Longhouse market, on the way to Wind Cave and Clearwater Cave.

The long house at the market

Look at that funny outfit. Football socks. lol.

Group picture at the Penan Market

Us without Shoni (the camerawoman) inside Wind cave. Not windy at all de. T__T.

The Wind cave, as the name indicate, suppose to be WINDY. But that is not the case when we went there. I was sweating like hell inside the stuffy cave. Seems like it will only be windy during the afternoon.

Reluctantly, we walked to the Clearwater cave. It seems like we can take boat there but we didn't know about it after we are done. wft. And we are informed that we need to climb about 2oo steps to get inside Clearwater Cave.

Upon knowing this, the lazy Shoni gave up and decided to wait for us. lol.

Meiyun and I after climbing about 2oo over staircase. wtf.

One of the odd plant. One leave plant.

Ok. If I hear correctly, the cave also called Ladies Cave. The reason is because, there is one section when you torch the wall of the cave, there is image of a couple, kissing. The guide insist it looks like couple making love. lol. As shoni mentioned before, nature is really damn ham sap. lol. Shoni... u miss this ham sap scene. Wahahaha.

That would be our last cave to visit in our itinerary. In the afternoon, we take a boat ride to another market, Kg Long Iman. Jc didn't go this time as he mention, it's nothing to see or do, which turned out to be very true.

The long house.

Us at the market.

Frankly speaking, it doesn't look like a market to me at all. The people at the market just sit there and never took the initiative to promote their product. And the price is not cheap either. More expensive than the first market we went. And they should have at least have a guide to show us around and explain on the culture and lifestyle of the people there. Or maybe serve tuak to us. lol. So boring.

Us without Jc (he probably sleeping in the hotel room that time), with our resort logo.

At the entrance of the resort.

Shoni at their petrol station. Damn cute lo. The petrol station okay.

We were then being transfer to the Mulu airport to take our flight back to Miri before being transfer back to KL. Another bumpy experience with Mas Wing. lol.

I bought my souvenir at the airport. There are more choices of stuff compare to the market.
I also bought the kuih lapis. Very colourful and yummy. No picture cos I finish it all before I realise I haven't took picture of it. lol.

The end.


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