Friday, October 23, 2009

Backpacking Journey: Siem Reap, Cambodia (Part 1)

My story has to start where we need to rewind back to July 2008. On this boring working day, Shoni called and says; “Hey! Airasia ticket to Cambodia is cheap la. Let’s go backpack!” At that instant, I was a little bit doubtful if I can make it. Well, for a start, I don’t even have a backpack!! Anyway, I really love to try that and we’ve booked air ticket to Siem Reap and back from Ho Chi Minh City. Well, since already going, why not go further till Vietnam.

So, on 18th March 2009, Yitpong, Jean, Siang and I took our 7am flight to Siem Reap. Yes, you didn’t see wrongly, as there is no Shoni. So sad that she couldn’t join us due to some personal issue. I bet she cursing on that issue right now.

We reached Siem Reap International Airport about 8am local time, with our 8 bags. Each one of us two bags.

Siem Reap International Airport. Luggage pick-up lounge.

We did not book any hostel yet and have no idea where to start with.
So, the only reasonable thing is, we should get a place to stay and put down our heavy loads. We managed to get an airport taxi that brings us to town area to look for a place to stay. We finally get ourselves two rooms at Ancient Angkor. Rooms are pretty good but the receptionist really gave us a big headache. She spoke little English.

After banging our head against a brick wall, trying to explain our intention, we already manage to hail a taxi and the driver agreed to send us to Angkor Wat. Before heading to Angkor Wat, our driver brought us to have our lunch. At that hour, we are the first and only customer as the restaurant just started their business on that day. We had our Khmer dish as recommended by the staff in the restaurant.

With our stomach loaded with juicy food, we headed to our destination as planned. We reached the ticket booth to buy our ticket to go into Angkor but then were told that we can’t extend the duration until the next day as it’s still too early. If we wanted to go in again another day, we need to pay again. Wtf. For god sake, I wasn’t born yesterday, okay? It’s bloody damn expensive and I don’t think I need to burn my money just like that. USD40 can entitle us 3day pass and of course we didn’t take that offer as I personally think that we are not archeologist or architect that need to measure every inch of the bricks there.

After much discussion, we decided to go to Tonle Sap instead. Well, the original plan is to see the sunset view at Tonle Sap, but we just aren’t that lucky that day as I don’t think its possible as it just 2pm when we reached the jetty. Its way too long before the sun gonna set. On the way before we reach the jetty, the breathtaking view of the lotus farm and paddy field really amused us. We actually request the driver to stop us at one of the farm to take picture. It’s the first time I taste the fresh lotus seed as well.

Paddy field
Little hut where the owner of the lotus field take a rest
Lotus field... nice isn't it??
It's me...
Lotus seeds for sale!!
Another scenic view

Anyway, at the jetty, four of us were to be seated in a boat that can actually fit at least a dozen of people.

Entrance to the jetty where we will be seated on our boat.

Lots of boat
Siang acting cool
Floating school
Cute piggy farm
Floating church

We cruse along the river murky river and finally reached the floating village of Chong Khneas.

One of the floating house cum restaurant
Mother with two child
The whole river cruise just took about 1 hour and we reluctantly return to our hostel as we have don’t have plan B. LOL.

When night falls, we walk around the town area and come across Pub Street. We had our dinner at World Lounge.

Pub Street
Picture taken from World Lounge overlooking Pub Street

Funny incident of the day:
Yitpong took the wrong side of the seat of the taxi that we board to leave Siem Reap airport. Apparently, none of us realize or know that the road system in Cambodia is the total opposite of those in Malaysia.

P/S: If I were to be in his position, I would do the same mistake. LOL


Yitpong said...

hahaha... you reminded me about that funny act!

y3nnee said...

hahaha... whenever i see the photo, i can't stop laughing.

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