Monday, April 5, 2010

Funny old junk/tressure

I admit that I am one of those persons who like to keep rubbish. Well, not because I’m lazy to clean the must but then everything that I keep, it reminds me of the little things that once happen in my life. It may not be something great or what so ever but whenever I looked back, it reminds me of the person I used to be at that time.

The other night, I saw my sister cleaning the bookshelf in our room and she took out all the documents that she keeps since standard 6. Mostly her report cards since that time. Lol. Anyway, I decided to find mine as well but then I couldn’t remember where I kept. Or to be precise, if I ever keep that time. My mom told me that she kept for us but couldn’t recall where is it now. Anyway, instead of report card, I found something worth to share with all. Lol. The letter I receive from my friend, Michele. Even though we are in the same class, I wrote letter to her instead to talk to her. I even have tons and tons of letter from Shoni. Btw, she just sits beside me that time. Lol.

I don’t remember when and why we start to write to each other. Probably because there is a lot of things that we shouldn’t talk in school (got spy) or through phone (bill expensive). But then because of this letter, I recall back my time when I was in secondary school. Damn naïve and stupid de lo. Lol. But if we didn't do that, I wouldn't even remember that this incident ever happen. It was kind of funny and happy at the same time, to be able to refresh back on the old times. As long as I didn't lost all those letters, I am sure after 20 or 30 years later, I still can laugh at myself when I re-read those. Sweet isn't it?

Of all those letters, I’m going to share the letter from Michele. Cause this is the most funniest of all.

Date: 3.6.99

Dearest Yen Nee,

I receive your letter dated 1st June 1999. Hi! How are you? I'm fine here. Hope you are fine too.

In your letter, you asked me to guess who is that guy, right? I think he is FCW. Now, I understand why Angie ejek you and FCW already. Actually which guy do you meant? Why is Angie angry with you and Shoni? You should be angry not her, right. So, are you still angry with her, now?

Ah Chong know about this secret already, ah? I think he haven't tell anyone yet. So, don't be too worry about this. Just forget about this incident, okay. Maybe Angie is unfair to you by asking you alot of question but in return she enggan jawab your questions. You forgive her loh, "tai yan yau tai leong" mah. You know her sikap what. So, just "yan" only, loh.

On 26th of May 99, you come to my house right? I heard you whispering to Shoni that Shoni has another problem with Angie too. Can you tell me what is it all about. But if it's a secret then, nevermine lah. But, anyway I will keep secret if you tell me. You can trust me, right.

Hei, what you want to buy for Shoni on her birthday? If you agree, we both share a present or maybe ask MinLi and others to share also. We will discuss it later in school, okay. And one more thing, yesterday you asked me to pay you RM8.40. I will pay you on Sunday during PA tuition if I remember only. Hope you will wait patiently.

You shouldn't leave this world because of this little incident. It is not worth it, you know. If I know you try to do that again, I will kill you myself. Anyway, how much "kar chan" do you have? How much is 20% of it?

You can always write to me when you feel like doing something stupid or you have any problems that you wan to express to me. You can also talk to me on the phone. Ok lah, I have nothing more to ask or tell you already. I will end my letter here. Bye.

Yours sincerely,

P/S: Please reply my letter as soon as possible. Do not let Shoni read this letter because there is something "kuan yi" her in this letter.

I guess I need to explain a bit regarding the whole situation. Why am I angry with Angie? Well, because, on of the weekend, when Shoni's parent not in Raub, Angie, Shoni and I chit chat and gossip at her house. We talked about alot of nonsense thing, which I don't recall much other than this incident. We were allowed to ask each other a question and must answer it truthfully. So, Angie asked who am I having crush on that time? Being very paiseh that time, I give them hint without telling the actual name. Stupid me that the hint must be damn obvious that they can guess that person correctly. The rules of the game is everyone must answer to the same question. Shoni did mention, if not mistaken should be TMC, but Angie didn't tell us. She is not being truthful enough.

And worst, she tell Ah Chong about it. And at that time, and even know, that Ah Chong is famous being mulut tempayan. He can't keep any secret. Upon knowing this, it scared the hell out of me. It's damn embarrassed if everyone knows. It was supposed to be a secret but then Angie betrayed me. lol. The 25 lui. And worst part of all, I am so worried and scared that I can't sleep that night. I was juggling whether I should call Ah Chong to "beg" him not to tell anyone or not. In the end, I did call him. I guess he also quite shocked as I call him in the middle of the night and thank God that he is kind enough that he actually didn't tell anyone at all. But the bad Angie go and spill it out. That's the reason Michele guess the person correctly. lol. I have no idea who else know.

At that time, I felt so embarrass and depress that I actually thought of ending my life. Well, of course I didn't do it. I actually tell everyone that I planned to do so. lol. And located 20% of my kar chan to mike mike. lol. What was I thinking that time?? hmmm...

This was part of my life. Farnie right??? How about your story??

Mike mike writing so neat ooo....


shonitay said...

OMG!! damn funny lor!!

what was my secret about?? i dont remember at all lor... is that about TMC??

hahhaha.. gigi memang FAHMOUS for being a big bully der.... this one i can for sure everyone will agree!!

i remembered how she pulled my skirt in from of the class during primary times!!


y3nnee said...

haha.. i dun remember what's your secret as well.
mayb from your old junk of letter you can find some clue.. :)

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