Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye Bye 2009....

It’s the last day of the year…

And I won’t say that it’s a good nor bad year for me. I have cherished all the happy moment and poignant on the bad days.

I had traveled to lots of places with a bunch of great people. Learn a lot from everyone.

I lost my grandfather. Even though I’m not so close to him but it feels bad when I know that I can’t see him anymore.

I shifted to a new house and stay with my siblings. I miss my crazy bunch of ex-housemate dearly. I miss the noisy surrounding a lot. LOL. It’s so quite here.

I’m hugely in debt and it breaks my personal record. It’s really really bad.

I’m happy for my friends that already found their respective halves.

I’ve gained weight and it’s really saddened me so much.

So, my next year resolution shall be:

1. Save money. A lot of money.

The end of list… Hahahahaa....

Cause with a lot money, can do a lot of things like:

1. Buy more shoes, bags, accessories, clothes and etc. Need to ber-social more

2. Strengthen relationship with friends. Go out makan, minum and gossip also need money

3. Strengthen relationship with family. Drive back use petrol and toll also money. Must “hao sun” also

4. Travel to more places. The world so big, must go more places when young. Old dy tak larat ooo

5. Eat at fancy restaurant. If don’t eat now, takan wait till got high cholesterol, high blood pressure, kidney failure that time only go

6. Stay healthy. Buy vitamins and mineral supplement. Ehem....

And the lists go on and on… LOL. Actually I cant think of anymore cause too sleepy.

Anyway, I think I’ve talked too much crap…


HAPPY NEW YEAR and have a blast year ahead.

Thursday, December 24, 2009



Merry Xmas to all..

December is my favourite month..... (I think I did mention that tremendous time already) because it's holiday time... lots of holiday this year.

It's christmas eve today... and yet I have not been to any mall yet to see the xmas decor T____T. Been bz like hell and yet I have no idea what am i doing till I'm that bz... arrgghh...

Went to Singapore the week before last weekend with my girl friends and we have lots of fun. I have not process the picture yet as I'm so lazy... I have not even process my photo for my hongkong trip where I went last September. LOL. Sound like i'm super duper lazy...

Oh yes. Random update. I just got my bonus today. Yeah yeah. And in a few second, I've use half of the money... T______T. Clear some of my old debt. Damn. It's not even enough to pay all my credit card debt.... T____________________T

Anyway, just drop by to talk some rubbish as I have not been updating this blog for quite some time. Sayonara. And here i present you.......

Xmas tree.....
(taken from forwaded email which i like it very much)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday mood...

Times really flies...

It's the end of the year now...
And I'm sure I am going to enjoy this as I have my holiday plan lining up every week.


I'm so lazy to do anything anymore..
It's such a pain to learn about negative side of someone close to you...
It's much hard when you know you can't change the fact but to accept the cruel fact...


Anyway, Angie, Mic mic, shoni and I are going to Singapore this weekend for our little getaway... Hohohoho... *Happy mode*


Monday, November 30, 2009

New home

Secret of the day....

I have officially stay in the new house that my dad bought since the day before yesterday!!

New location, new places, familar faces and yet it makes me feels so empty inside. In fact, the house is indeed empty, or I should says its not fully furnished YET. Store room, kitchen cabinet, toilet cabinet still under construction. My shower is not functioning. Ok. it did. Once and for all. ARRGGHHHHH. Better don't bother to ask why did I shift in so damn early.

The worst part is, on the first day we moved in, it was raining heavily. And I think I should called it's a blessing that it actually rain as we discover that there is a water leaking from the roof. MeiYun's room wall, which connects to the toilet, it's wet. Water accumulated inside the bricks. Almost most of the pipe's also water leaking. Damn that stupid contractor. Obviously they didn't are robbing us on brought daylight. Lucky enough that we have not give the full payment yet.

So, my fellow friends, remember when you decide to buy a house, MUST check everything thoroughly. Must call the agent or previous house owner to let you see the house when it rains heavily.



Friday, November 6, 2009

Trip to the North (AGAIN): Langkawi..


One of the places I like to visit..

Okay... let me see...I've been going there almost every year since 4 years ago. Okok.. I skipped last year... :)


Well, not sure if we are too bad luck or has been curse!! Each time we reach there, it's always closed due to BAD WEATHER.

But this time..... WE HAVE MADE IT!!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Joke: Perbalahan antara Admin Dept (aka Government) and Other Dept (aka Rakyat)

Please enjoy the show....

Admin: Memo for company annual dinner

One of the "Rakyat" send out the email to the entire staff.

Tahun ini punya Annual Dinner sangat hebat lah!
Sebab dia sediakan banyak makanan dan minuman yang “HEBAT” dan “GORGEOUS”,
especially my favorite, such as NASIK PUTIH, TEH TARIK, KOPI O “KAW”, Roti Bom, Sambal Belacan, Keropok Ikan, ABC dan….
The only sad is dia tak sediakan Roti canai lah, especially roti pisang.
Therefore See you all at Quality hotel, hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

Note: Tak tahu lah tahun ini ada tissue box untuk lucky draw or not, kalau ada memang baguslah, sebab I really need it for my office table.

So, of course the Government will not just let go of this opportunity to "CLEAR" themselves. Here is the reply:

Thank you for your comment. I also really proud of you. Ada effort sending e-mail to all staff. Japanese staff lupa ke? Still got time to take down the poster, scanned it, lukis2, writing the e-mail & send it to kawan2? Takde kerja ke…..? Tak payahlah buat macam tu lagi… macam ada “no good intention” aje. Kesian my committee yang work hard to ensure the successful of Annual Dinner. Kalau tak suka tak payah makanlah… Ada orang lain yang nak makan. Selera orang kan tak sama. Takkan nak ikut selera you saje. Orang lain pun ada yang tak suka roti pisang. Kita ada order 3 barrel beer. You kan suka minum beer.

Anyway… because of your creativity, effort and not-busy schedule, I proposed you jadi Chairman for 2010 Annual Dinner. New head…new ideas kan.
Make sure you accept this honored appointment. Maklumlah.. tak ramai yang nak volunteer jadi committee ni tambahan pulak jadi Chairman.
I will inform Mr ABC & Mr XYZ about this.

Jadi this year committee yang dah volunteer tu akan relaxlah from next year onwards. Tak payahlah penat2 lagi. Duduk makan & enjoy aje. Tak payah nak pening2 kepala. By the way, as Chairman you can select your own committee. I’m sure you and your new committee will have better idea and concept for 2010 Annual Dinner.

Thank you once again

p/s…. Oh ye…kalau nak tissue box, sekarang pun I ada. Turunlah Admin I give you 1 box.

Upon reading the reply, Rakyat responded

Thank you, please suggest saya become chairman next year, I am sure I will not rasuah, I swear!
You sudah salah faham lah!??!? Sebab all the while I agree and appreciated mah, and already say thank you two times, if you are wrong understanding, than I say sorry lor!! Maybe I punya grammar tak cukup bagus.
Anyway once again saya nak say thank you for your special arrangement and I am sure I will attend, jadi rakan-rakan semua, please make sure awak attend juga ya! Sebab ada makanan yang “HEBAT” tahu!!! Wow!!!
See you! And please make sure allow kan saya tambah nasi, ok!!
Thank you.

p/s: memang polite sangat lah saya! Sebab I keep say thank you, by the way, saya bukan scan picture itu lah, sebab saya ada satu technology punya barang, it’s name “Digital Camera”, so don’t angry ya!

WAkakaka.... so damn funny right!!!

OH.. I am so allergic to bullshit....

Friday, October 30, 2009

Backpacking Journey: Vietnam

Finally, we reach Vietnam on the 6th day of our backpacking journey.

Day 6:

Headed to HCMC. Travel by bus that took us 6 hour to reach.

View of the street before reaching Vietnam borders

Vendors on the ferry

Check in hostel 96 at Bui Vien Street. One of the famous street with lots of backpackers hostel.
After rest for a while, we started our walking trip, exploring the town.

Statue of Tran Nguyen Hai on horseback, in front of Ben Thanh Market.

Ben Thanh Market

Inside Ben Thanh Market

Municipal Theatre

Notre Dam Cathedral


Us again
French style post office, oldest post office at HCMC

Inside the post office

And of course, we would not let go of the opportunity to send some postcard back to our jealous friends. LOL.
Siang with our postcards

Night view of the Notre Dam Cathedral

Day 7:

Mekong Delta day. Took their local tour and spend our time from morning till night on boat for the whole day on Mekong river, world's 12th longest river and 7th-longest in Asia..
Ouchs.. sit till my backside also pain.

Before boarding our boat

Local lazing around on the floating house

Us, on our luxury boat

Board on little "sampan" to have our lunch

Paddy field (view taken when we stop for toilet break)

Of course we have toilet break, cause there is no toilet at our luxury boat.

Our luxury boat

View before sunset

Sunset view. Love this pic

Another sunset view

Jumbo ship

Dining there would be very expensive and bored. Because from the dork, I can heard people singing karaoke and their singing sucks. Probably those drunken obasan. LOL.


Very yummy street food as our dinner before we spend our night at hotel. Oh ya. Forgot to mention its a 2D 1N package.

Wake up early and have our breakfast with the local. If not mistaken, we are the only group in the whole tour group that dare to taste their local food. Other than cheaper, we personally think we should try their local food. If not, I would felt very guilty.

Floating market

How to know what they sell in each boat? They will hang what they are selling high enough for all to see.

Siang posing with the pineapple at the pineapple boat

More picture of the floating market.

Finally we landed on land. Visit the wet market and rice factory. And then headed back to HCMC by bus.

Yummy meat bun
Fruits on the market

Our tour guide showing us on different types of rice

Bus front bumper crack while going up on the ferry. Everyone of us have to get down from the bus to lighten the mass of the bus in order for it to be successfully parked on the ferry. LOL. Overload.

Day 9:
Had our breakfast nearby before headed to Cu Chi Tunnel.
Mee soup

Local coffee

Tour guide explaining the structure of the tunnel

Trying on the "hidden" hole.
It's stuffy and smelly in there. Hard to imagine during war time, people have to hide there for whole day. Now u see me...
Poop... now u see him...
Ho Chi Minh selipar
After exploring and experiencing the tunnel, we went to Binh Tay Market, Cholon's main market. It's wholesale market.
Had our lunch inside the market. They style of zhap fan.

Saw lui lui and bought her straight away. After that, we had big headache. How to ship her back? Damn.

Main entrance of the Tian Hou Temple

YP and Siang looking at leng lui.

Benh than market for final shopping. Then to notre damn catherdral again.
Pack our belonging with our final shopping items and headed to airport.
Us, at the airport

Picture of the day:
I really wonder how the electrician can work with the cable if there is a broken one within the lines. It's looks damn complicated. Amazing.

So, that's the end of our backpack journey. Hope that can have another long journey somewhere soon enough. Till then, sayonara.