Thursday, September 3, 2009

Double standard people is driving me crazy...

Secret of the day...

Working with this kind of people really make my lifespan shorter. Do you think so??

Scenario 1

S: Ok. I want you to write a letter to supplier, tell them ABCDEFG.
Me: Ok. Will do.
So, composing the letter almost exactly as what S told me and sends out the email.

After a while, S realize I’ve send out the mail, check the content and said, “I told you to write FGJIJ, why you write till like ABCDEFG. Wrong.. very wrong… Next time let me see first before you send out.”

Why the heck you didn’t send it on your own???

Scenario 2

S wrote an email to inform supplier to make a new parts to be check on. He was busy doing his personal stuff while he writes and didn’t bother to check the specification properly.

After a few days, new parts arrive and I AM the one who do the checking. Bloody hell, it doesn’t function at all. He makes some amendment and requests the parts again. The second sample didn’t function as well. I thought he suppose to know well on it since he is the EXPERT. After so many fail attempts, he realize he make a mistake from the first place. And he says, “Shit! I make a mistake here. If let the boss know them I’m going to be as dead meat. How? How about you admit that you make the mistake?”

Wft?? You make the mistake and I have to bear!!! This is too unbearable.

Scenario 3

S: Okay. Now we will be very busy cos we need to do this and that n this and that. We shall split the job.

Me: Ok. (So nice of him)

In reality, I do all the bloody shit job and he BUSY surfing the net.

S: Wow, you do looks like you’re busy. Need my help
Me: (Yes. Of course you idiot) Yes, Please.
He looked through all the things I’m doing and said, “Actually not really a lot. You can do this and that first, then only do this and that.” “I’m actually busy here”
Me: Huh?

Gosh!!I am asking you to help, not to teach me how to do my job. As if I don’t know. Yeah, I know… you damn busy doing your own stuff.. "Loser"


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