Tuesday, December 27, 2011

i haz ipad2 now!!

and it's white in colour.

after nagging DD for like a thousand years.... he finally buy me one. i thought that i would need to use my bonus money to pay for it but super nais and considerate DD decide to buy for me. yeah2x. save rm2k. there's go my xmas,valentine n bd present. oh no.. no more present after this...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fresh from oven

Cuteness overdose cupcake..

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The flying shoe

It was one of the most embarrass moment that I still remember. But the actual date and time of the incident, I don’t really recall.

On that fateful day, probably my third or maybe final year of my uni life, I was walking with a friend. I can’t recall whom but just called her Shizuka. And I wasn’t so sure why I was at FET building (my faculty building) at that time. There are not much people around so I assume it wasn’t the weekdays. Probably I went there to consult lecturer or submit my assignment. Nah, not really important.

So, while I was descending the staircase. Ok. Why staircase instead of lift? I have no idea. It was the shortest path to go somewhere I intend to go? Seriously, I can recall all this. My memories are fading…. Omaikot…

Anyway, while I was descending the staircase. Oh. I think I need to explain what am I wearing. I was wearing those clog alike shoe (I think that time popular and fashionable). It was supposed to be a white, but lazy person like me who don’t really wash shoe(s), it’s like beige colour. Or yellow.

While I was descending the staircase, I was walking at the side near the rail, where it’s just a few piece of steel, my “beautiful &fashionable” shoe decide to play a little trick by not gripping on the damn stair. I was falling down like a humpty dumpty and my buttock hit the cold, hard bricks. Normal human reflex is to hold tight to the rail beside me but unfortunately, beautiful and fashionable decided to leave my fragile leg and ALMOST landed on someone’s head. Apparently, both of them are my coursemate. Since I don’t know their name, I shall called them Nobita and Giant (due to their body size). lol. Nobita and Giant being the gentleman decided to bring back beautiful and fashionable to me. Ok. That Shizuka just stand there and observed and laugh. Evil friend. I couldn’t remember if I was standing or still sitting at that “sexy” position when they gave me the shoe. I dare not raise my up as I was really really embarrassed. Not because they saw my unfortunate fall but they saw my very beautiful and fashionable shoe. I don’t even know if I should thank them or apologize.


And then, the day before yesterday, while sitting at the meeting room, listening to supplier to present their product that I wasn’t concentrating cos it was damn boring, hence I was playing with my shoe. Ok, I usually bought my shoe a bit bigger so that I don’t hurt my leg while walking. Evil Ed decided to kick my leg and my beautiful shoe fly.. yeah.. it FLY few feet away from my leg… DURING THE FREAKING presentation. It took me awhile to get it back and I was beyond embarrass to notice if the presenter saw it. Damn that EVIL ED. I’m gonna take my REVENGE!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cutie pie

My kawaii niece..

Trying to drink using cup instead of her bottle..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why facial sucks?

A friend of mine once told me about the sales and marketing strategy is 3-C. I couldn't remember what is the first C is but I would like to guess it's Consult. So, after Consult, you need to Convince. If customer can't be convince, CON him/her.

Last Saturday, Fifi and I went to Midvalley for our so called free trial facial wash. As expected, there is no free lunch in the world. So, we were being separated and "consult" by different consultant. The strategy is simple, don't allow you to discuss and back each other up during the consultation hour. The consultant will then do some simple testing with their very high tech machine and point at your worst spot. They will convince you that if you use their product, you face would be as nice as the baby butt. Flawless like airbrush effect.

If you don't buy their point, they will further insult your face. That idiot said my face sagging. Sagging. It's really hurt me. Since I got agitated I shall call her bitch. lol. Then this particular bitch keep on insisting I take the most expensive package cause my face was terrible (according to her). Of course I insist on the cheaper range like Fifi. That bitch really like those annoying mosquito that fly beside your ear and make you feel like just kill them. And stupid me that I didn't just walk out instead. Ok, I admit, I wanted to try. :) So, I got CON.

The whole session was like pain in the ass. It was quite terrible I would say. I don't know the norm as I haven't been to any facial session before. I don't like/trust people touching my face. When the whole "awesome" session finished, I was being Consult again to sign the whole year package. Well, once bitten, twice shy. She really think I'm lulu. Eventually I managed to give some very ridiculous reason and escaped. lol. That's something new. I mean I never ever successfully managed to run away that smoothly that soon. :p

Anyway, my point is... I would never wanted to go any facial session after this bad experience. I shall do my own facial spa at home. Call me kiam-siap or whatever. I have enough. And, don't ever go to F****L FIRST MIDVALLEY branch. The one right opposite Boulevard hotel. The bitches there are evil.

Monday, July 18, 2011

stupid manager + stupid employee = overtime

the equation is absolutely RIGHT!!!

stupid manager = who else? that annoying idiot??

stupid employee = me.. ME.... me... (blame it on the responsible me... ahem...)

Apparently, the idiot ask me and S to go to work on SUNDAY night at 9pm... and we all have to work til 3am. 3 fucking a.m.... and the worst is.. I thought that I can go to work a bit later than usual but that idiot said that I need to attend some awesome fucking important presentation but some VVIP guy from US.

Idiot: Good news, today you can go back early today
Me: Wow, that's good. What time? (In my heart, after lunch hour)
Idiot: After the presentation end
Me: I thought the presentation ends at 5pm.
Idiot: Yes. You can go back half ah hour earlier
Me: (WTF!!!!!!!!)

It doesn't looks EARLY to me at all... I have to force myself to stay awake til the whole damn presentation is over!!

It's past my nap time and I can't sleep.... *geram*

Sunday, July 10, 2011

One of a hell experience

It was suppose to be a shopping trip.. but ends up to be a really eye opener incident. I guess, we would only stop talking bout it when we are bored with ourselves then. lol.

Fredonia, Shoni and I went to Petaling Street yesterday. Our main motive is to buy some accessories stuff for our polymer project but end up being one of the Bersih 2.0 supporters. My mom gonna kill me if she knew this. My heart was 50-50 when Fredonia and Shoni told me that they are really going to the march. My rebellious and curios mind told me to go but then again I really scared that I might got caught or worst, hurt.

I guess my rebellious self are much stronger. So, we end up wander around the street, waiting for the awesome moment to start. Before the rally start, fifi says, "If anything happen to one of us, don't bother and run for your life". She was really serious but I find it really funny. Just like the HK drama kind of situation. I guess we were too nervous.

Approximately one something, while we were having our leong sui moment, we heard a group of people chanting while marching. We decide to follow the crowd to have a closer look. We reach somewhere in front of the Menara Maybank. Chopper(s) are all above us. The crowds got bigger and bigger. We wander around and before we realized, we actually standing at the centre of the crowd where all the "bigger people" are located.

From the crowd, I heard people shouts, "Cepat naik cepat naik.. semua perempuan, kanak2x naik". We were being pushed in and basically standing at the Menara Maybank escalator. From there I can see those police already fired water cannon. Shoni and I remain stagnant while Fredonia went down the escalator to have a better view. And then, I heard a loud bang and smoke starts to flow to our direction. My eyes are so painful and I can hardly breath. I only heard Shoni asked me not to look back, close my eyes and keep on moving. When we were about to reach the top escalator, a freaking fat ass women guard doesn't allow us to pass through even we beg here desperately. With no choice, we have to jump over the escalator and run towards the nearest building. It was pretty tall to both of us. But in desperate measure, I can't do logical reasoning but just to jump over and run for my life. I managed to run but I noticed Shoni wasn't following me. I got panic and then saw Fredonia. I told her Shoni no where to be seen. We must go back to find her. And then at the moment, the clumsy Shoni appeared. Really thank God that she is ok. If not I might feel guilty for the rest of my life to dump her to rot to death. lol. While I barely can open my eyes and breath properly, someone offer us salt. It seems that by consuming the salt, we might feel better. When we manage to get to the toilet, I keep on washing my face and eyes with water. It was terrible. Scary. Helpless.

At the moment like this, you can meet kind hearted people and heartless people. While we were hiding inside the toilet, some heartless guard must walk in and shouted as us to leave immediately. Why must he shout? Why can't he told us to leave properly? Why must they treat helpless people like this? Just because we doesn't share the same thought we can be treated like this? This is absolutely outrages.

We were sitting at the staircase. I saw a bunch of police chasing after a group of people. Catch as much as you can as I believe it will not deter the rest of the real supporters to back off.

It starts to rain outside... To ease the rakyat from the suffering gas perhaps...

When the rain ease down, we thought that we have enough for the day and it's time to leave. Unfortunately, all the LRTs nearby are closed. We got no choice to to walk from one station to another. Meantime, we met one of photographer and he showed us that the police fired tear gas to the innocent protestor, without warning. Those people just sitting peacefully on the street, chanting. Do they deserve that? Why are gomen hurting the rakyat like this and yet they claimed that they are protecting them? I can't see how this kind of attitude is helping any of us. Really pathetic.

If anyone ever ask me if I would join the rally again, I would not hesitate anymore. I am a MALAYSIAN and I have the damn rights to speak.

Monday, June 20, 2011

totoro polymer clay


I've completed my totoro(s) clay.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The dream that I had last night

.. it was so real...

4 of us (Angie, Michele, Shoni and I) were on the way to an island. While waiting to be boarded on a ferry, I met one of my friend from uni. And the first question I ever ask her is, "Do you have any job vacancy in your company?"

Is that a sign??!! I guess I must really go and realize my dream.

I am damn desperate to leave... like NOW!!!! omg omg...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The holiday before the big 3-0

All of us decided to went to somewhere special before our big 3-0. After planning for quite some time, we booked the Star Cruise. As the Virgo has been fully booked, we took Libra instead. Our 4D3N itinerary would be Penang-Phuket-Krabi-Penang.

I just realize I didn't take any picture of the whole ship. lol. Anyway, the one and only one picture I have is my cabin room.

On the first day, we basically just eat, explore around, eat and explore around je. Totally no handsome guy/pretty babe to ogle at. *Dissapointed* *Heart crushed*

Anyway, disappointment motivates us to shop for more snack. We took the sightseeing cum shopping when at Phuket.
The beautiful Andaman sea view, phuket

Another view of the bluish sea
Human and the sea

That's the only sight-seeing place we went. Our next destination are cashew nut factory where the stuff are overly expensive, boring jewelery shop, Phuket largest shopping mall and factory outlet.
Inside the largest shopping mall. Ok. I think the name of the mall is Central Festival.

With Michele. We sit so far apart like we don't know each other. :p
The "hasil" of the day for all of us

As I am a lazy fellow, I don't wanna elaborate more on what we did. The rajin Shoni would tell if she is blogging bout this trip. lol.

Anyway, continue to second day. Krabi.

Our cruise didnt stop at the port. We were transfer to another smaller boat to get to the land.

Love the colourful ship

The first place we went : National Park.
Us at the entrance.

YN and the murky water
It was cooling along the park trial. If the water wasn't that murky, it would be the most perfect view.

After sweating like mad dog, we were transfer to the sleeping buddha temple. It was so similar to our Batu Caves. Nothing to be hoo-ha about.
The magnificent Sleeping Buddha in Thailand.

I think I have been to lots of temple with sleeping buddha around till I cant even recall which one is which. lol.
I think that's the paper to get the prediction of your life kind of thing. lol
When we arrive at James Bond Island, it was so crowded with ppl.
The backdrop is the one that appear in the movie. Seriously, I have no idea cos I dont watch James Bond movie. lol.
James Bond wanna be
The very special stone where ppl MUST see in James Bond Island.
Red tree. I wish I could plant this at my house.

My attire to the gala night dinner.

When you are too free, play with the camera function.

The end of the trip

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Differences between engineer and IT people

One wear t-shirt when attending workshop/talks while the other wear shirt.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

emo again

it's been a while..

and i will still talk about my current new job. not really new anymore as it's been one month plus. it wasn't really a pleasant job to begin with. i don't get along with my colleague as well. it isn't really cannot get along but we have nothing much to talk about except work related matters. and i can't tell the truth or that fact that i'm not happy working there. there is too many uncertainties, doubt. no proper guidelines, rules on how am i suppose to do my job. it's makes me frustrated all the time and yet i need to get it done before the deadline. it's making me sick!!

it wasn't that bad recently as i have found someone who share similar thoughts. but i need to keep on remind myself not to spill too much as i don't really know them well enough. it's just so tiring to do so. i don't really like to complain that much but i just can't help it.

seriously, i think i've complain too much.

anyway, really looking forward for my trip with the girls. :))

Friday, March 18, 2011

I dunno why I did that??

Today, I did something that I think I should record down. Record for what purposes? I have no idea at all. It's not exactly the thing that I would do.

The thing I hate most is my over concerned boss always like to ask me if I can cope with my new job? How do I feel? So on and so forth. The truth is I don't really like what I was assigned to but those things are my job scope as what they said. The thing is, I never work in a small scale company before. My previous job, I only do those field I am assign to do. But now, every single thing also I have to do. It's just like they throw every single thing to you and expect you to deliver it without any problem. Of course there is someone to guide, but then I feel that the person need to do double work to check if I did correctly. It's so troublesome and I makes me don't feel good at all. It's like I am the huge burden. I know I need to pickup fast but then if there is no proper guidelines and procedure, I really don't even know how to start. I don't even know how to convey my TRUE feeling to boss. It's not my nature for me to tell the truth.

But I did it today. When my boss ask if I enjoy working here. I answer not really. I even told him, I don't enjoy working but that's my job, and I will do whatever I NEED to do. He must have got the shock of his life when he heard me. I always wonder, what do you mean you enjoy doing your work? Passion? What was that? I feel like my working life is like the life of a robot. I'll do whatever the master demand me to do.

Why am I like this? I have no idea. It seems like I don't have any direction of where am I suppose to go to? I don't want to live my life like this but what can I do? Where to find my true passion.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Creative answer

Today, over lunch, my new colleague were bullshitting as usual.

C1: The new guy damn lazy la
C2: Why la? What happen?
C1: I was explaining and telling him something. He wasn't paying much attention and keep on looking at the watch. And it turns out to be lunch time. So, he just go off like that. Today Friday ma. Prayers time.
C2: Oh yalo. Everyday also pray so many time. *Sigh*
C1: Pray ma pray la. What for put speaker and let everyone hear?!!
C3: I know why. Because they scared their GOD can't hear!
Me: WTF!!

I almost puke my water out. I really thought that he would come out with the real reason or whatsoever. I haven't heard this before, and hence find it very "creative". lol.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm lost

I am so lost. I can't seem to find my direction or have any idea where am I suppose to head to.

Its my 4th day for my new job and I started to loath it. What's got into me? I really have no idea.
What am I suppose to do? Neither I have the slightest idea.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My first day of work in new company

I celebrate today by having gastric pain and diarrhea at the same time. I can't even differentiate and decide if I should just stay there or rush to the toilet whenever the pain strike. FML

Happy Valentine to all

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Saturday

... and I am working. Bloody hell. I don't have enough leave to deduct.

That fat ass bargar didn't gimme salary for cny as well. really damn sui. Those idiotic admin people, I shall curse them that they will grow fat for whatever they eat even drink lemon juice. Fat until no clothes in the world that can fit her, and she have to wear the big damn ass curtain. And no money luck for the rest of their lives. lol.

Logically, if I tender my resignation letter on 5th Jan, contract is one month notice, ain't my last day SUPPOSED to be 4th Feb. That fat ass bargar say its 2nd Feb. Cause 3rd n 4th is CNY. WTF!!!
It's not my fault that it falls on CNY dei. Why I can't claim the 2 days salary?? Stupid kiam siap company.

Btw, do I entitle my pay on CNY with this condition?? Isshh... damn geram la...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The best decision ever

I start my new year by making the best move ever.

I've finally tender my resignation letter, after so long. I am the most happiest person on earth right now. lol. No words in the world can describe how happy I can be.

I am the 3rd person who tender the resignation letter within these 2 weeks. So, all those bosses in panic mode now and trying all their best to counter offer me. Nothing will make me stay back I tell you. How I wish I could just talk freely about how desperate I am to leave.

M: Ok, do you know that PROBABLY that you will be promoted this year. Why leaving?
YN: Oh, I have better job offer. (In my heart, promoted my foot la. After so long working also never mention that I might be promoted. When everyone say wanna leave that time only say so)

Well, apparently, Yap told me that M OFFER him the same thing. Really damn stupid and pathetic.

M: How much salary they offer you? More than 30%?
YN: Errm... (What for you wanna know? Not like you will gimme that.) Just 20% la.
M: Ok, now IF la, MAYBE we offer you the same salary as that company, would you consider staying.
YN: (Without second thought and right after like about one second M finished his sentences) NO!! I think I'm not staying (not in million years dude).

M expression is priceless upon hearing my answer. He have no further question or offer after that. He was pretty shock I guess as he doesn't expect me to reject the offer. lol. IF, MAYBE. I should have just tell him straight to the face that MAYBE next term I will be the PRESIDENT.
The most funny part is that the day when I tender my letter, M called my Supervisor.
M: Did you know that she is leaving from the beginning?
S: Yes. She informed me earlier.
M: Why you didn't stop her and persuade her to stay instead?
S: (WTF. I also wish to go but don't have the opportunity.) I have no further comment.
M: DID you know that boss (the kns boss) actually thinks she is CAPABLE and like her working attitude?
S: (Quite tulan cos M ask too many ridiculous stuff) Oh really. I didn't know, until you said so.
M: .......
S: (I'm not in the mood to listen to you).Well, actually if you have nothing else to say, I need to put down the phone. Bye.
Funny right? Well, I am so "PROUD" that my kns boss actually thinks I'm GOOD when I mention I am leaving. Thanks for letting me know that SOMEONE appreciate my WORK after all.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I'm so excited. There is one more day to go for my ultimate "R" day...