Monday, May 25, 2009

Terrible Weekend

Secret of the day

Had a really terrible weekend.


1. Awake early in the morning because there is no electricity. Won't awake if it's not because of the heat in my room.

2. Send my car to service. Usually it only cost me less than RM100. Bloddy hell, I end up paying RM290 excluding the oils that my mom sponsored. The most expensive item, exhaust pipe. I don't actually have to fix it but really annoyed me. Thanks to some "expert"

3. Internet connection at night really slow.

4. Try to watch funny drama but end up more frustrated. Cause I'm watching korean drama series with CHINESE subtitle.


1. Need to awake early to rush back to PJ. Need to reach before 12pm

2. Discover I have a flat tyre

3. My petrol tank is empty, which eventually leads to my $$$ running low and flat as well

4. Search almost entire tyre shop in Raub and none of them open. End up driving to Bentong to try my luck.

5. Finally there is this shop open. Turn out to be there is a nail inside my tyre. Damn. Cost to fix that hole, RM5.

6. Rush to Shoni's bei lou office to take some furniture. End up triggering the alarm. Shit. Took so long to make the bloody alarm stop ringging and makes me look as if I'm a thief.

7. After transfering all the furniture to Siang house, too exhausted and hungry. Go pack Rojak mee @ stall somewhere near my house. Dammit. I've waiting so long and there is not even a customer there. Why? Because that bloody fellow dunno how to pass my order to the person who suppose to pack for me. AM I THAT INVISIBLE?

8. Try to take nap but can't as weather too hot. Headache getting heavier.

9. Go to Pasar Malam to get my dinner, my favourite apom. The queue is bloody damn long and make me lost my apettite. Headache getting worst.

10. Try to sleep again at night with my headache. Too hard.


1. Reach office with my head still heavy.

2. Forgot to bring my handphone

3. Forgot to bring my snack

4. Can't concentrate working.

What A DAY!!!!


JeanPCLee said... have really handful of "unfortunate chronicle"...let have a better weekends on this coming week...sun spa getway..hehehe

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