Thursday, May 28, 2009

Duan Wu Festival

Secret of the day...

Today is the 5th day of the 5th lunar month in Chinese Calendar, where the Chinese celebrated Duan Wu Festival. The focus of the celebrations includes eating zongzi, which are large rice wraps, drinking realgar winde, and racing dragon boats.

I have zongzi (glutinuous rice dumpling) for my lunch, which my mom bought last Sunday. Every year, my grandma will make zongzi for us to eat and her zongzi is the best. Best because it's nothing like the one we bought outside. She make "special" zong for us, which the only ingrediant inside is pork. I don't like the beans.

Unfortunately, this year I couldn't eat the special zong as my grandma still recovering from dengue. My grandma zongzi usually in pillow shape. All the while, before I went out to study in Malacca or work in KL, I never knew that there is other shape for zongzi. It seems like the common one are pyramid shape. So, when I brought the pillow shape zongzi to my friends and colleague, they were kind of surprise and impress. Hmmm.... I miss my special zongzi.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Go-Back-Early Day

Secret of the day…

Today is one of the best day on the week for me. Why? Because Wednesday is Go-back-early-day. It’s another Protect the environment program by my company. It seems like by having this program, we can reduce at least 1% of CO2 release to air. Well, I really have no idea how they compute the figure.

Go-back-early-day consist of two major elements:

(a) No-Lift-Day: No. I don’t really like this. It means I need to climb 90 steps up to go to 4th floor where my working station located.

(b) No-OT-Day: Yes. Love this so much. I can go back sharp at 5.10pm without enduring the weird starring from others.

Today, this week, I’m going to feed my skin to the hungry Garra rufa fish. Yes, its FISH SPA @ Sampuoton Spa. The best of all, it’s FREE. Thanks to Shoni :)

“After an hour fish nibbling session the skin becomes elastic, smooth and gives a healthy shine and a feeling of freshness” (from their website)

Hmmm…. Sound SO SO SO SO GREEAATTTT!!!! Can’t wait to immerse myself to the pool….

Photo from Sampuoton

Monday, May 25, 2009

Terrible Weekend

Secret of the day

Had a really terrible weekend.


1. Awake early in the morning because there is no electricity. Won't awake if it's not because of the heat in my room.

2. Send my car to service. Usually it only cost me less than RM100. Bloddy hell, I end up paying RM290 excluding the oils that my mom sponsored. The most expensive item, exhaust pipe. I don't actually have to fix it but really annoyed me. Thanks to some "expert"

3. Internet connection at night really slow.

4. Try to watch funny drama but end up more frustrated. Cause I'm watching korean drama series with CHINESE subtitle.


1. Need to awake early to rush back to PJ. Need to reach before 12pm

2. Discover I have a flat tyre

3. My petrol tank is empty, which eventually leads to my $$$ running low and flat as well

4. Search almost entire tyre shop in Raub and none of them open. End up driving to Bentong to try my luck.

5. Finally there is this shop open. Turn out to be there is a nail inside my tyre. Damn. Cost to fix that hole, RM5.

6. Rush to Shoni's bei lou office to take some furniture. End up triggering the alarm. Shit. Took so long to make the bloody alarm stop ringging and makes me look as if I'm a thief.

7. After transfering all the furniture to Siang house, too exhausted and hungry. Go pack Rojak mee @ stall somewhere near my house. Dammit. I've waiting so long and there is not even a customer there. Why? Because that bloody fellow dunno how to pass my order to the person who suppose to pack for me. AM I THAT INVISIBLE?

8. Try to take nap but can't as weather too hot. Headache getting heavier.

9. Go to Pasar Malam to get my dinner, my favourite apom. The queue is bloody damn long and make me lost my apettite. Headache getting worst.

10. Try to sleep again at night with my headache. Too hard.


1. Reach office with my head still heavy.

2. Forgot to bring my handphone

3. Forgot to bring my snack

4. Can't concentrate working.

What A DAY!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Secret of the day...

After delaying for so long, out of the blue, I decided to watch Gladiator. Yes, I haven’t watched this movie before even though it was release back in 2000. OMG, it took me 9 years later to realize I miss this great creation back then.

I asked Shoni, “Why was the movie such a hit back then?”
Giving me a stern look and as if she knows very well, she said, “Hmm… because of the shoe”
Speechless..... *_*!!!

Ok… Back to the movie. I really enjoy watching it. Loves everything bout it. It’s so inspirational. It inspire me to be a gladiator like Maximus. And there is too much nice quote in the movie but I like this the most,
Maximus: At my signal… unleash hell UNLEASH HELL!!!

Turning my head 86 degree to my left…. That’s HELL.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Majestic Mt Kinabalu

Secret of the day...

Prepare your eyes for the Majestic Mount KK picture...

Wow.. majestic makes it sound so grand.. hahaha....

P/S: Enjoy the pic.. esp #28

#1 Our accomodation on first night... Beach Lodge

#2 Living hall and Pantry at Beach Lodge

#3 Kinabalu Park Main Entrance... looks bersemangat je...

#4 Siang holding our packed lunch.

#5 Posing with our tag while on the way to Mesilau starting point

#6 At starting point of Mesilau Trail

#7 Waterfall and Misty Mountain

#8 On the way from Timpohon to Mesilau starting point

#9 Mark of the starting point

#10 We've passed KM1 till KM3.5

#11 Lunch Break.. the drumstick so icy cold :(

#12 After break, continue from KM4 till KM6

#13 Mini mouse also want to have lunch

#14 Group photo at KM4 (Yes, just 2 people in the group)

#15 Scenary view along Mesilau trail

#16 Odd Trees

#17 Finally reached Layang-layang, meeting point bet. Timpohon & Mesilau

#18 Look at how pale Siang become..

#19 Exhaustedlly, we reach till KM5.5 (Ok.. i lost count of how many KM as this is the old trail indication)

#20 Less trees as altitute higher.

#21 It looks like bonsai plant to me.. but its a tree... bonsai tree??

#22 Finally, we reach Laban Rata Rest House. Look at our pale lips.

#23 Sunset view at Laban Rata Rest House

#24 Awake 1.30am and dress up to go highest peak

#25 The sun is rising...

#26 Can see this from far.. to reach here... seems like eternity...

#27 Almost reaching...

#28 Yes.. don't close your eyes. WE HAVE REACHED THE TOP!!!

#29 Random snapshot while heading back

#30 The ending trail of our journey.. time recorded is 3pm.

I wrote your name on the stone.. not sand

Secret of the day...

I guess I’m blessed with lots of best of the best acquaintances in the world. Well, I think that is because either I can’t stand loneliness or maybe I’m just too irresistible to some. Haha… Today, my little secret to share is about my two very precious gem that I found and will always treasure.
Hmm... I shall start with Doreen. (Ina… don’t jealous ya.. nanti your turn…) If I remember correctly, we met on the orientation class for beta student. Correct me if I’m wrong, cause for those who know mw too well, I always have short term memory lost… Haha… Doreen was sitting at a corner when I enter the hall. I notice her smiling face and the chair beside her is empty. The rest of the people to me… looks so serious and fierce. Being the timid me, I took the chair beside her and almost instantly, we start talking. And then, a cute Malay girl with a cheerful smile walks into the room. She always have this cheerful personality that people loves when set eyes in her. And so, that is how Ina makes her grand entrance…
Doreen and I stick together for the whole four years in the uni. Ina only join us occasionally as she is from different major. We always sit together, study together n skip classes together. And I still remember that Doreen and I used to ask this question to each other, “Why we take engineering?”. I bet until now, none of us can really answer that. And we end up doing engineering job. Weird huh…
I still remember three of us always went to cinema for movies after our final exams. And I STILL remember that I doze off in the cinema. Dammit, what a waste!!! We used to have midnight supper during our final year, final exams at MITC. Ina can’t join us cause she have better option. HOME COOK FOOD. Yes, her mom rendang chicken is the best. I’m so touched that Ina even remember and make the effort to bungkus the rendang. I didn’t join them for some discussion. Hmm… shit.. my saliva is dropping now… Ina, you better go learn cooking from your mom… hahaha…
And then, there is this assignment where three of us and David did. We need to be interviewed by the organizer. The interviewer ask us a funny question and comment which I still remember it now.
“Wow. Your group so special. So multi-racial. You have Malay, Chinese and Indian. So good??” All we could answer is just SMILLING FACE.
In my heart, I was thinking, is that a big problem?? OF COURSE NOT. He’s just being jealous. Haha.
Well, that is because some people in their lifetime, they can’t even find soulmates of different races, cultures and background. I’M GLAD WE DID!! That’s why I say… you gals name already written in my “stone”…

Tiga sekucing

Okay okay.. let's have a better picture of us... haha...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gold Rolex for my greatgrandpa and LV Bag for my greatgrandma

Secret of the day....

My greatgrandparents moves to their "new house" last sunday.. So, for the grand ceremony, we prepare "present" for them.

The most stylish LV Bag for my greatgrand ma

And this so stylish looking spectacles and GOLD Rolex watch for my greatgrandpa

I bet they must have LOVE the gift so much... :)


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm on the TOP of the Mount Kinabalu

Secret of the day...

Miracle do happen!!

I've reached the summit of the mount KK.

Lesson that I've gained:
1) Must wear a hiking shoe that fit your legs perfectly. Unless you prefer to sprain your leg and hurt your back

2) Never ever left your snack behind or with your guide/portal. It’s so dreadful when you are hungry and cold and yet you can’t stop walking

3) Keep on applying muscle relieve pain as much as possible throughout the journey. Believe me, you don’t ever wish to have the feeling that your legs being detached from your body.

4) Train properly before step your foot on the mountain ground. If not, please stop planning to get near there.

5) Don’t lie to your boss. Pretending that you can walk normally when you actually don’t is so difficult. I think for this, I am so qualify to be nominated as the best actress.

6) Okay okay. Ignore the nonsense lesson above.

7) I’ve learned that the path that I need to trek is just like my own path of life. I choose to start my trek at Mesilau point, just like I choose what my life would lead me to be until now. Along the journey, I need to cope with the altitude. I can see different level of vegetation, just similar to the different phases of my life. The higher it goes, the more difficult it becomes. Strong cold wind, and rain becomes part of my obstacle that I need to endure. When I fall down, I cry as much as I can, climb up again, dry my tears and clean my face and headed back to join the crowd. It’s not easy to go through the entire journey but I’ve gain more joy than to compare to what I’ve suffer. The feeling when you actually standing on the highest peak is indescribable.

Photo will only be available on next post...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Conquering the IMPOSSIBLE

Secret of the day…

Ok!! Relax… Breath IN… RELAX….

I can’t believe it that I’m actually going to climb the Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in South East Asia.

Frankly speaking, I really have no idea why I am so into going to do this!!! I won’t regard myself as adventurous person but I really enjoy doing things that I never done before.

When I tell my friends and family that I wanted to go, they just thought that I’m joking…
I prove them wrong when I actually book a ticket to Kota Kinabalu. ACTION speaks louder than WORDS.

And now, 2 days from landing my leg on that mountain, I start to ponder..


Basically I only exercise during the weekend. Weekdays.. I’m too busy at work. Ok then.. I know…I know…). I’m not that busy.. just lazy as when I reach home after work, most of the time I’m starving and end up eating like I never seen food for a long time.

I actually did go “training”.. went to Batu Caves, Bukit Tabur, Broga Hill, running up and down my apartment staircase. Use staircase instead of lift when in office. (To make myself feel better and not MOTIVATE myself)..

Yesterday, while packing my luggage, had this conversation with Shin Yee.

SY: So, how’s your feeling now??
Me: What feeling??
SY: Feeling that you are going to climb Mount KK? Die also must at least reach the top? Or walk till like dying to go till the max?
Me: Errm.. I don’t know what I am feeling ler.. I just know.. I’m DYIING to know HOW?
SY: … (ROFL) *faint


Wish ME Luck!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Girl in Pink Dress

Secret of the day...

Found a very inspiring article to share while doing my random surfing...

" There was this little girl sitting by herself in the park. Everyone passed by her and never stopped to see why she looked so sad. Dressed in a worn pink dress, barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by. She never tried to speak. She never said a word. Many people passed by her, but no one would stop.

The next day I decided to go back to the park in curiosity to see if the little girl would still be there. Yes, she was there, right in the very spot where she was yesterday, and still with the same sad look in her eyes.

Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl. For as we all know, a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone. As I got closer I could see the back of the little girl's dress was grotesquely shaped. I figured that was the reason people just passed by and made no effort to speak to her.

As I got closer, the little girl lowered her eyes slightly to avoid my intent stare. As I approached her, I could see the shape of her back more clearly. She was grotesquely shaped in a humped-over form.

I smiled to let her know it was OK; I was there to help, to talk. I sat down beside her and opened with a simple, "Hello." The little girl acted shocked, and stammered a "hi," after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back.

We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty. I asked the girl why she was so sad. The little girl looked at me with a sad face said, "Because I'm different." I immediately said, "That you are!" and smiled. The little girl acted even sadder and said, "I know."

"Little girl," I said, "you remind me of an angel, sweet and innocent." She looked at me and smiled, then slowly she got to her feet and said, "Really?"

"Yes, you're like a little Guardian Angel sent to watch over all those people walking by." She nodded her head yes, and smiled. With that she opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her wings to spread, then she said "I am. I'm your Guardian Angel," with a twinkle in her eye. I was speechless -- sure I was seeing things.

She said, "For once you thought of someone other than yourself. My job here is done."
I got to my feet and said, "Wait, why did no one stop to help an angel?" She looked at me, smiled, and said, "You are the only one that could see me," and then she was gone.

And with that, my life was changed dramatically. So, when you think you're all you have, remember, your angel is always watching over you. "

by Unknown Author

Have you found your guardian angel?? I think I found mine.. :)

My Surprise Birthday Party

Secret of the day…

My dear Siang had a secret. He planned a very special and memorable birthday party behind my back without me realising it. Well, if I realised it then it will not be any surprised after all.. hmm hmm…

So, on that fateful day 1st of May (Labour day), he told me to dress up nicely and say he will bring me for a SPECIAL dinner. I keep on pestering him to tell me where he gonna bring me but he told me it’s a SECRET.

“You will know when you reach there”

And we end up having dinner at Garden, One Utama Shopping Mall.When we reach there, he told the waitress that he already book a table. And I wonder why everyone seems to know him.. Maybe the people there just too friendly…

Little did I know that I am a VIP on that night. We were assign to sit on a table that fit 2 person only.. As usual, I always choose where I wish to sit first. After we are seated, waitress come and take order for drink. And then she request us to swap place…I was wondering.. why must we change?? I’m so comfortable sitting here.. And being an intelligent gal, I start to suspect perhaps my dear will bring a cake from behind to surprise me after the dinner.. but of course I won’t so fast BOCOR his secret ma.. haha..

Not long after being seated, he ask me if I recognise the song play by the pianist in the restaurant. It sound so familiar but I just can’t recall.. excuse himself to toilet and left me alone sitting there like dungu…After a few minute pass by.. the foods on the table.. but I need to wait for him before I start eating even I’m a little bit hungry.. and he took a little bit too long compare to normal time to be in toilet.. masakan he jatuh dalam tandas!!!

Haha… anyway, i think no one notice that I actually curi drink a bit of the soup..

I decide to call him as he really should be here by now..
And then at the same time, pianist play the birthday song… I turn around n saw him holding a cake. And behind him… my bunch of beloved friends and family… they came to crash the party!!!

I didn’t realise when my tears start rolling down...

I’m so so surprise that they came to celebrate my birthday with me. Come to think bout it, it’s been so so long that I ever celebrate my birthday with my bro n sis… I don’t even know what feeling I have on the spot..too happy, excited.. it’s like my brain can’t really function properly… I don’t even remember what my wishes was.. :)


Being able to spend lovely dinner with my family and friends.. thanks a lot!!! To my party crasher...

Shoni, Fredonia, Shin Yee

My Bro, Keat Meng and Sis, Meiyun

Tan tan and Yap Yap

and last but not least my dear dear Siang... Thanks for the experience!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My pressie on month of MAY

Secret of the day..

For being a May baby.. Got lots of special pressie from my beloved friends..

Cute hand made card by dear. I told him I'm a materialistic person and I want cash for my birthday as I am really very broke recently.. Instead of cash, he gimme the card, with CASH inside? how thoughtful of him!!!

And of course I LOVE IT VERY MUCH.. for the effort he put in, it's PRICELESS. Thanks dear!

And this cute little rabbi from my beloved C4 members (C4 stands for Crazy 4).. as we used to have lots of crazy idea each time we have gathering..

THANKS for the cute rabbi that can talk.. yes.. it can talk.. what is the content.. it's a secret..
Ops.. almost forgot.. the funny card with SPECIAL message..

"Sorry! It's not A condom!!! We can't find Ah Lee's Size!!!


Well well, that is because we gave Yap CONDOMs for his birthday. And force him to take picture with the CONDOM CARD?created and specially dedicated for him.. LOL?THE ONE AND ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD?

Wow!! Seems like he LOVE it SO MUCH!!!! Pretty sexy body figure...